Brian Ross has ‘history of getting facts wrong’

ABC News chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross is being accused of having a ‘long history’ of getting facts wrong after he was suspended by the network over claiming that President Donald Trump ordered Michael Flynn to contact Russia.

Obama administration former State Department spokesperson Marie Harf claimed on Fox News that Ross has a ‘ long history of screwing up’.

‘Marie Harf says Brian Ross routinely ran stories that were not accurate. ‘This was a big screw-up, but he has a long history of screwing up.’,’ a tweet posted to Fox News Channel’s Media Buzz show account reads. 

In addition, his own colleague at the network, Chief Foreign Correspondent Terry Moran, confirmed in a Twitter exchange with President George W. Bush’s former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer another mistake that Ross made in 2001 about Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein being behind the anthrax attack on the White House.


Brian Ross (above) is being accused of having a long history of getting facts wrong by fellow journalists and even a colleague at ABC News after he was suspended by the network over claiming that President Donald Trump ordered Michael Flynn to contact Russia

During an appearance Sunday on Fox News Channel's Media Buzz, former State Department spokesperson Marie Harf (above) claimed that Ross has a 'long history of screwing up'

During an appearance Sunday on Fox News Channel’s Media Buzz, former State Department spokesperson Marie Harf (above) claimed that Ross has a ‘long history of screwing up’

She apparently said that Ross 'routinely ran stories that were not accurate' 

She apparently said that Ross ‘routinely ran stories that were not accurate’ 

Fleischer tweeted the author of a Politico report and said: ‘Brian Ross was told he was wrong BEFORE he aired his story about Saddam being behind the anthrax attack. Your story says he was told that after. I’m the person who told ABC not to air it.’

Fleischer added: ‘At about 6:10pm, the abc WH reporter told me the investigation unit had the story. I made a couple calls and at 6:25 I told them the story was wrong. Saddam was NOT behind it. Brian stood by the story for one week – then issued an incomprehensible ‘correction’.’ 

Moran confirmed Fleischer’s account and tweeted, ‘This is correct.’ 

In 2012 Ross faced criticism when he reported that the shooter responsible for the massacre in Aurora, Colorado may have been tied to the Tea Party.

ABC News' Chief Foreign Correspondent Terry Moran

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer

In addition, Ross’ colleague, ABC News’ Chief Foreign Correspondent Terry Moran (left), confirmed in a Twitter exchange with former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer (right) another mistake that Ross

Fleishcher initially pointed out a correction for Politico to make in their story about Ross in regards to his reporting on the 2001 anthras attack on the White House

Fleishcher initially pointed out a correction for Politico to make in their story about Ross in regards to his reporting on the 2001 anthras attack on the White House

In a second tweet (above), Fleischer provided more details into the situation involving Ross standing by a story that was wrong before issuing an 'incomprehensible "correction"'

In a second tweet (above), Fleischer provided more details into the situation involving Ross standing by a story that was wrong before issuing an ‘incomprehensible “correction”‘

Moran then confirmed on Twitter that Fleischer is 'correct' in regards to the reporting that Ross did in 2001 about Hussein and the White House anthrax attack 

Moran then confirmed on Twitter that Fleischer is ‘correct’ in regards to the reporting that Ross did in 2001 about Hussein and the White House anthrax attack 

But this latest incident has seemed to cause more controversy for the network and Ross. 

President Donald Trump and his son, Don Jr, went on the attack against ABC News on Twitter after it emerged that Ross’s claim was inaccurate and they had suspended him for four weeks without pay.

The initial report, which aired around 11am Friday during an ABC News’ ‘Special Report’, cited a source claiming that a close associate of the former national security advisor was prepared to testify that Trump ‘directed him to make contact with the Russians’ during the course of the 2016 presidential race.

But around 6.30pm, Ross issued an on-air ‘clarification’ that their source had explained it was only after the election that ‘President-elect Trump asked [Flynn] to contact Russia on issues including working together to fight ISIS.’

ABC News' Brian Ross (pictured) has been suspended without pay for four weeks

Ross wrongly said on Friday that Donald Trump told Michael Flynn to contact Russia

ABC News’ Brian Ross (left) was suspended without pay for four weeks after he wrongly said on Friday that Donald Trump told Michael Flynn to contact Russia

On Sunday, Trump tweeted (above) that people who lost money when the Stock Market dipped should sue ABC News for damages over Ross' 'bad reporting'

On Sunday, Trump tweeted (above) that people who lost money when the Stock Market dipped should sue ABC News for damages over Ross’ ‘bad reporting’

ABC News first ‘clarified’ the matter in a tweet that was later deleted before they issued issued a statement on the matter on Saturday.   

On Sunday, the president took to Twitter and wrote that the news network should be sued over the ‘bad reporting.’

‘People who lost money when the Stock Market went down 350 points based on the False and Dishonest reporting of Brian Ross of @ABCNews (he has been suspended), should consider hiring a lawyer and suing ABC for the damages this bad reporting has caused – many millions of dollars!’, the president tweeted.

The day before he tweeted about the suspension.

‘Congratulations to ABC News for suspending Brian Ross for his horrendously inaccurate and dishonest report on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch Hunt,’ he wrote.

‘More Networks and ‘papers’ should do the same with their Fake News!’

Also on Saturday, Don Jr tweeted: ‘@ABC retracts their misleading ‘bombshell’ and removes their tweet approximately 12 hours after they knew it to be false,’ Trump Jr tweeted.

Donald Trump also tweeted sarcastic congratulations to ABC News for suspending Ross, once more invoking 'fake news'

Donald Trump also tweeted sarcastic congratulations to ABC News for suspending Ross, once more invoking ‘fake news’

Ross' source actually told him that Trump told Flynn and others to figure out ways to help improve relations with Russia and other countries. Don Jr ripped into ABC News afterwards

Ross’ source actually told him that Trump told Flynn and others to figure out ways to help improve relations with Russia and other countries. Don Jr ripped into ABC News afterwards

‘I know it’s rare for you guys to get more than 200 RTs so I guess you milk it when you can?!?! #fakenews’ 

Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia, and he agreed to cooperate with prosecutors who are delving into the actions of President Donald Trump’s inner circle before he took office.

Soon after, ABC News – citing a confidant of Flynn’s – reported that the former national security adviser was prepared to testify that Trump directed him to make contact with Russians when he was a presidential candidate.

Wall Street’s main indexes all fell by more than 1 per cent after the report.

First, ABC News later issued a correction that the source clarified that Trump had assigned Flynn and a ‘small circle of senior advisers’ to find ways to improve relations with Russia and other hotspots during the presidential campaign.

‘It was shortly after the election that President-elect Trump directed Flynn to contact Russian officials on topics that included working jointly against ISIS,’ ABC News said.

But they later clarified in a statement on Saturday , ABC said: ‘We deeply regret and apologize for the serious error we made yesterday.

‘As a result of our continued reporting over the next several hours ultimately we determined the information was wrong and we corrected the mistake on air and online.

‘Effective immediately, Brian Ross will be suspended for four weeks without pay.’