Bride slammed for breaking every ‘unwritten rule’ for her $20,000 wedding: ‘She had fun, the guests didn’t’

A mum has fallen out with her newly-married daughter after admitting her wedding was a disaster and the guests have made it a ‘running joke’.

The couple spent $20,000 on their wedding but didn’t feed guests, provide drinks, or hire entertainment and even had a fake inedible cake leaving attendees hungry, bored and ‘mad’.

A year later, the bride turned to her mother when she heard her sister and other attendees had been bad-mouthing the wedding – and she received an honest opinion. 

The mum said while the bride enjoyed the wedding, it was not a very good experience for the guests prompting her daughter to call her ‘cruel’ and a ‘jerk’. 

Hundreds sided with the mum and were shocked at the newlyweds for not accommodating their guests. 

A couple spent $20,000 on their wedding but didn’t feed guests, provide drinks, or hire entertainment and even had a fake inedible cake leaving them hungry, bored and ‘mad’

‘Am I the a**hole for being honest and telling my daughter that her wedding is a running joke of what not to do if you marry in our family/friend group?’ she asked on Reddit. 

‘My daughter got married about a year ago. She spent about $20,000 on her wedding, it was a wonderful experience for her but for all the guests it really sucked. All the money went to things the couple would enjoy.’ 

The mum said the couple spent most of the money on the bride’s $6,000 dress, the venue and a photographer and that she wasn’t involved in any of the planning as she was having medical issues. 

‘Guests had to buy food, drinks, and no entertainment. So people get to the wedding and the ceremony happens, then they go put into another room after a long day of driving out, don’t get any food/drink,’ she explained. 

‘Most of them were forced to buy overpriced food since they were starving. They didn’t even get any cake since the cake was a fake. Overall not a good guest experience.’

The mother-of-the-bride said people started complaining and slammed the wedding long afterwards.

The mother of the bride said the guests joked about her daughter's disaster of a wedding a year later

The mother of the bride said the guests joked about her daughter’s disaster of a wedding a year later 

‘My other daughter is getting married and asked for my help. Her sister offered to help and my other daughter made it clear she doesn’t want her wedding to be anything like hers,’ she said. 

‘My daughter asked what she meant by that and I was honest with her. That her wedding wasn’t a good experience for guests and it is a running joke at this point with family/friends.’

The woman did not take the honesty well and got into an argument with her mother. 

However, many agreed with the mum saying the bride should have considered her guests more when planning her wedding. 

‘Making guests pay for their food? No entertainment? THE CAKE WAS A LIE?,’ one user said.

‘Yeah, if I were a guest, I’d be mad, too! Actually, it would be a story I’d tell for probably the rest of my life. That’s a Grade-A bad wedding,’ a second wrote. 

‘Some people are so self-focused they either can’t or won’t see the situation through other people’s eyes. Your daughter and her husband sound like this because it should have been obvious to them that they were creating a very poor experience for their guests,’ a third agreed. 

‘You were being honest. It’s been a year, it’s fine. She asked and you answered. Maybe could have left out that it was a running joke. But how in the hell does someone spend $20k but they have no food?’ another chimed in. 

‘If I showed up to a wedding and it was cash food and cash bar, I’d leave,’ someone added. 

Some people however thought the mum should have been kinder. 

‘There’s honest, and then there’s brutally honest. You should have said it gentler, leaving out that ‘everyone thought it was a joke’. That was cruel,’ one woman said. 

‘You didn’t need to tell her that her wedding was a running joke with friends and family. It seems like you wanted to throw it in her face that you didn’t approve of her wedding, there are definitely much nicer ways to tell her,’ another replied. 
