Bride-to-be discovers her engagement ring was purchased for an ex-girlfriend

Bride-to-be discovers her engagement ring was originally meant for her fiance’s ex – so would you keep it?

  • A young woman has shared her disgust over getting second-hand diamond ring
  • The woman found out her engagement ring was purchased for previous partner
  • She had Googled her partner’s name and found a review from before they’d met

A young bride-to-be has been left questioning her relationship after finding out the ring given to her by her fiancé was purchased for his last girlfriend.

The anonymous woman, giddy with excitement over the proposal, decided to Google her lover’s name but was left shocked when she found he had left a review for the ring.

The glowing review was left on the jewellers’ website four months before the couple even met.

A young bride-to-be has been left questioning her relationship after finding out the ring given to her by her fiancé was purchased for his last girlfriend


What would you do if you received a ring bought for your partner’s old flame?

  • Dump him, how gross! 0 votes
  • Ask him to swap the ring! 0 votes
  • Keep it, her loss – he’s the one! 0 votes

And it appears the idea of being given a second-hand ring was too much for the woman, who still lives at home, and she made a teary post about her discovery on TikTok. 

The video quickly went viral and was then deleted by the young woman who was ‘overwhelmed’ by the situation.

Most women felt pity for her and said they would sell the ring and buy another or demand a trade-in if they even decided to continue with the relationship.

‘I couldn’t wear a ring meant for another woman,’ one said.

While others said the idea of receiving ‘some other woman’s hand-me-down would ‘tip them over the edge’.

‘Regardless, he could have sold it and bought a new ring with the money. I’d rather a $100 ring than one intended for or that belonged to another,’ one woman wrote.

The woman has since deleted the video, after it got over a million views

The woman has since deleted the video, after it got over a million views

But not everyone was on her side, with many calling her ‘spoilt’ and claiming she should be ‘happy she got a ring at all’.

‘Rings are expensive, maybe he couldn’t afford another one,’ one woman said.

The young woman initially said she was keen to keep her new fans updated but then deleted the video after it soared past a million views. 
