Brigitte Macron insists on 10 fruit and vegetables a day

The head chef at the Elysée Palace says Brigitte Macron eats 10 fruit and vegetables daily to stay slim.

But while his wife favours a seasonal, healthy diet, France’s president Emmanuel Macron prefers a cordon bleu, according to 39-year-old Guillaume Gomez.

Though the cook has adapted his menu at the Paris palace for four successive presidents, he always sticks to French cuisine.  

Brigitte Macron eats 10 fruit and vegetables every day while husband Emmanuel Macron prefers a cordon bleu

‘Let’s not hide behind false modesty,’ he told The Sunday Telegraph. 

‘Some 70 per cent of tourists who come to France say they do so for its gastronomy.

‘We serve only French products at the president’s table if possible. Naturally the coffee isn’t French, but all our fish, meat and fruit and vegetables either come from mainland France or from overseas territories.

‘We prioritise local food produced less than 100 km from Paris for fruit and vegetables and some dairy products.’

As well as using rosemary and laurier grown in the palace’s gardens, the chef says about half of his ingredients are organic.  

A presidential patch of organic vegetables is planned to open in Spring either at the Elysée or Versailles Palace. 

Guillaume Gomez says his kitchen in the Elysée promotes traditional French cooking, but caters to presidential preferences 

Guillaume Gomez says his kitchen in the Elysée promotes traditional French cooking, but caters to presidential preferences 

Mr Gomez and his 25-cook team push a back-to-basics approach in his kitchen while Mr Macron seeks to modernise France in government. 

His recent recipe book – Cuisine, Step By Step Lessons – explores the techniques  behind classic French dishes, from boeuf bourguignon to pot-au-feu.

A winner of the prestigious Meilleur Ouvrier de France (Best Worker in France) cooking award, the chef says his book favours tradition over modernity. 

‘If you want very modern recipes or fusion, this book isn’t for you,’ he said. 

‘This is a book about learning cooking techniques. In a sense, the recipes are not important. 

‘Once you have learned your technical scales, you can turn your hand to anything.’

The top cook still uses the copper saucepans that were in Napoleon’s kitchens in the early 1800s.

Preparing up to 95,000 meals a year, Mr Gomez has twice served the Queen, including in 2014 for the 70th D-Day anniversary.

In what the chef described as an ‘unprecedented’ move, she was even allowed to choose the menu. 

Mr Gomez, pictured here judging entries in a competition to find the best Parisian baguette, has also cooked for the Queen on two occasions

Mr Gomez, pictured here judging entries in a competition to find the best Parisian baguette, has also cooked for the Queen on two occasions

He was impressed when she selected foie gras despite the controversy surrounding the over-fattened duck liver pate in Britain.

‘She showed she’s the Queen and can do as she pleases,’ he said, adding her choice of spring lamb from Sisteron caused a ‘major boost in exports’.

Presidential tastes 

A cordon bleu (blue ribbon) is President Macron’s preferred dish and consists of meat wrapped around cheese, which is then breaded and either pan-fried or deep-fried.

Brigitte Macron’s demand for 10 fruit and vegetables is easy to meet, according to Mr Gomez.

His blanquette de veau (veal ragout) uses up to five vegetables.

The traditional French dish can be made with celery, parsnips, leaks, lettuce, mushrooms and even cucumber. 

Though Elysée staff are served a fixed menu, the president and his wife can order what they please, but Mr Gomez stops short of 24-hour room service.

‘We are not prey to presidential whims,’ he said. ‘It’s a myth to believe they ask for this or that at the drop of a hat.’

Despite being loath to reveal the specific tastes of the Macrons, Mr Gomez recently offered BFM TV an insight into their preferences.

‘Mrs Macron wants to be served ten fruit and vegetables per day,’ he said.

‘When you do an assortment of raw fruit and vegetables, that’s already five varieties.

‘Even in a blanquette de veau there are four or five vegetables. Variety is the key.

‘We adapt to presidential tastes.’ 

Former president Nicolas Sarkozy took cheese and wine off the menu for his five-year stay at the palace, but they have since returned to the Elysée.  

Mr Gomez believes in a back-to-basics approach at his kitchen, where he has even catered for former presidents' pets

Mr Gomez believes in a back-to-basics approach at his kitchen, where he has even catered for former presidents’ pets

Though Mr Gomez is used to catering for presidential pets, he says the Macrons’ labrador-griffon cross, Nemo, sticks to dog food.   

‘Here I feed everyone, and if I have to feed animals I will do so. We fed the dogs of other presidents,’ he said.

‘Apparently, for health reasons, the consensus is dog biscuits are best, so Nemo eats dog food and I don’t get involved.’