Brisbane man forced to duck behind bin to escape swooping plover

‘Only in Australia’: Terrifying moment a man is forced to hide behind a WHEELIE BIN to avoid an aggressive bird attack

  • A Brisbane man has evaded a swooping plover by hiding behind a wheelie bin
  • TikTok footage shows the man being attacked while trying to collect the bin 
  • As he stands in a tree clearing, the bird swoops several times until he runs away  

A man standing vulnerably in a tree-clearing has been filmed hiding behind a wheelie bin as he is repeatedly swooped by an aggressive plover. 

Footage posted on TikTok shows the Brisbane resident running from a car to try and collect a green bin sitting on the edge of an isolated road. 

But as soon as he arrives at the garbage bin, a territorial bird flies over head squawking loudly as it tries to scare him away. 

He manages to duck down behind the bin as it passes over, then jumps to his feet and grabs the handle to start making an exit. 

A man has been filmed sheltering behind a green wheelie bin to escape a swooping plover (pictured) 

But he’s again forced to huddle behind the plastic receptacle when the native animal doubles back for another attack.  

As soon as the creature flies overhead, he grabs onto the bin and races back to the car, diving into the passenger seat as the bird comes in for a third swoop.  

‘Spiders and snakes are not the only thing to worry about in Australia,’ text superimposed over the clip reads.  

The video has racked up more than 48,000 likes, with many commenting on the perils of living in Australia. 

‘In Australia, where you are lucky to survive when going outside to collect the bin or mail,’ on person joked. 

‘If you haven’t been swooped by a bird, are you really Australian?’ another chimed.  

After the bird passes overhead a second time, the man grabs the bin and dashes towards the car

After the bird passes overhead a second time, the man grabs the bin and dashes towards the car 

‘May the odds be in your favour. STRAYA!’ a third wrote. 

Magpies are also known to swoop, with the birds having high intelligence and a well developed memory, meaning they can differentiate between friends and enemies.

Swooping season takes place for about six weeks from the start of spring, as males scare away potential threats in proximity to their nest.

However, it is an uncommon trait among the species, with only around 10 per cent of the males using the technique to defend their young. 

They can swoop up to 100 metres from their nest and will repeatedly swoop familiar faces for their 23-25 year life span.

Why do magpies swoop?

Magpies begin sweeping around peak breeding season from August through to November. 

During breeding season, magpies are mainly trying to defend their nest and its inhabitants. Breeding sites for the magpies are in short supply, and once the site has been gained, the magpies must defend it to prevent the territory being reduced or seized.

Male magpies will defend the nest during breeding season until the eggs are laid and the young birds are developed. This means that they will attack anything they consider to be a potential threat such as humans or animals by swooping down with a fast flight which can lead to contact being made.

Magpies will usually attack from behind so facing them has been known to halt a possible attack.

Male adult magpies use body language such as beak clapping, whooshing above the head and screeching to warn you to stay away from their nest with eggs or newly-hatched chicks.  

Experts recommend you don’t fight back or try to run away from the magpie quickly. The main thing is to stay calm as panicking will make the magpie more aggressive and cause more swooping. It is advised that you move away from the area slowly.


 – If your usual route is near a magpie’s nesting area, try to change your route for the breeding season

– Protect your face by covering up with sunglasses and a broad-brimmed hat. You could also hold an open umbrella above your head

–  If you know an area has swooping magpies, put up signs to warn other residents to avoid the area 

Sources: The Australian Museum, PETA Australia
