Brisbane mum Christie Lee Kennedy mows down husband and mistress with car

Shocking footage has captured the moment a wife mowed down her husband and his lover in her car. 

Christie Lee Kennedy, 38, pleaded guilty in Brisbane District Court last month to dangerous driving. 

She had found her husband David Larkin kissing another woman, Zowie Noring, in the Brisbane suburb of Wavell Heights in March, 2021.

Christie Lee Kennedy (centre) avoided serving any jail time after pleaded guilty to hitting her then-husband and his lover with her car

Footage of the incident shared by 9News shows Kennedy driving towards the unsuspecting pair in her BMW SUV.

The vehicle is then seen in the video smashing into them, sending both of them sprawling to the bitumen.

Ms Kennedy then got out of her car and punched Ms Noring in the face, calling her a ‘fat moll’ and a ‘sl*t’ before getting back in the car and driving off. 

After Ms Noring drove off, Ms Kennedy then returned to berate her stricken husband until paramedics arrived.

The mother-of-two narrowly avoided serving any jail time for the revenge drive-by attack. 

A jury last year found Kennedy not guilty on two counts of malicious act with intent to disable.

The same jury was unable to reach unanimous or majority verdicts on the offences of assault causing bodily harm in September.

The Crown withdrew the two assault occasioning bodily harm charges against her last month. 

Kennedy had previously pleaded guilty to common assault at the start of her trial last year after she punched Ms Noring in the face.

The court was told Kennedy had followed her husband to the street after she tracked him using the Find My Phone app installed on his phone after he’d told her he’d gone to pick up their children from daycare.

Footage from the incident (pictured) shows the jilted wife ram her BMW SUV into her husband and his mistress

No-so happy couple: The pair are pictured on the wedding day

No-so happy couple: The pair are pictured on the wedding day

Kennedy (left) found her husband David Larkin (right) kissing another woman, Zowie Noring, in the Brisbane suburb of Wavell Heights in March 2021

Kennedy (left) found her husband David Larkin (right) kissing another woman, Zowie Noring, in the Brisbane suburb of Wavell Heights in March 2021

Kennedy saw the pair ‘kissing and cuddling’ and accelerated towards them before applying her brakes, the court was told.

‘Her vehicle struck both of them with the front side of the car,’ the Crown prosecutor said. 

‘Mr Larkin was thrown into the air and onto the road.

‘Ms Noring was also thrown onto the road. After hitting Ms Noring, (Kennedy) immediately attacked her which shows a lack of remorse for her actions at the time by punching a person who was laying on the ground after being hit.’

The Crown argued Kennedy should be jailed and sentenced to three years imprisonment.

Kennedy’s defence barrister, Penny White, told the court her client had not intended to hit the pair with her car but instead ‘get there quickly’ when she chose to accelerate.

‘She wanted to get to them and confront them about what was going on,’ Ms White said.

Mr Larkin and Ms Noring were left lying on the road after the smash

Mr Larkin and Ms Noring were left lying on the road after the smash

Kennedy (right) was disqualified from driving for nine months and was ordered to pay $5,000 each in compensation to her ex-husband and Ms Noring

Kennedy (right) was disqualified from driving for nine months and was ordered to pay $5,000 each in compensation to her ex-husband and Ms Noring

‘The only reason this happened was because her husband was kissing someone else and she wasn’t aware of it.’

Judge Paul Smith sentenced Kennedy to nine months in jail for the two offences, which will be served wholly suspended for two years.

‘I think it would be fair to conclude that you would be quite shocked about what you saw there despite what suspicions you had prior,’ Judge Smith said.

‘You’re obviously an excellent employee and a very good mother and it’s a real shame you committed this offence but I do form a firm view that this offending is out of character and it’s unlikely you’ll reoffend with anything like this.’

Kennedy was ordered to pay $5,000 each in compensation to her ex-husband and Ms Noring. 

The court heard the pair had been physically and emotionally damaged by the event.

Kennedy was disqualified from driving for nine months.
