Brisbane terror plotter planned attack after he was denied entry to Syria

Denied his ‘religious duty’ to fight in Syria with a terror group, Agim Kruezi set out to kill Australians.

Kruezi was planning to ‘kill random, innocent people’, and attack police officers who thwarted his bid to engage in hostile activities overseas, a Queensland court has heard.

He stockpiled weapons in his Logan home, south of Brisbane, including a bow and arrows, a rifle, knives and 10 litres of petrol he intended to use for Molotov cocktails.

Agim Kruezi (pictured) is facing sentencing in Brisbane Supreme Court for preparing or planning for a terrorist act and preparing for incursion into a foreign state

A sentencing hearing at the Brisbane Supreme Court began on Monday after Kruezi admitted to preparing for incursion into a foreign state and preparing or planning for a terrorist act.

He is facing up to 18 years in jail for the offences.

Kruezi had expressed support for Jihad and martyrdom, and had told others he believed the Australian government’s laws against foreign incursion was ‘oppressing Muslims’, according to prosecutors.

He also described Boko Haram’s kidnapping of 200 girls in Nigeria as a legitimate tactic of war, said ‘dogs are in our countries killing our brothers and sisters’ and expressed a desire to burn down a pub.

Kruezi’s bid to travel to Syria to fight with al Qaeda-affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra in March 2014 was stopped by customs officers.

His passport was cancelled, forcing him to turn his attention to an attack on home soil.

Supporters (pictured) of Agim Kruezi are seen outside the Brisbane Supreme Court, Monday. 

Supporters (pictured) of Agim Kruezi are seen outside the Brisbane Supreme Court, Monday. 

The day after his incursion plot failed he bought a hunting bow and arrows.

‘He purchased the bow and arrows as an expression of anger towards authorities at being prevented on going to Syria,’ crown prosecutor Lincoln Crowley told the court.

Months later, he purchased 10 litres of petrol before travelling to several shops including IKEA and Spotlight, attempting to buy glass bottles and cork stoppers suitable to make Molotov cocktails.

Shop assistants described him as ‘agitated’.

Police are seen talking to a supporter of Agim Kruezi outside the Brisbane Supreme Court

Police are seen talking to a supporter of Agim Kruezi outside the Brisbane Supreme Court

His actions led to police raiding his home in September 2014 where they found weapons, two balaclavas, an ISIS flag pinned to his wall and extremist literature.

Kruezi wanted to meet police officers who cancelled his passport in a park, with Mr Crowley alleging he intended to kill them.

That Kruezi’s terror plot appeared ‘unsophisticated’ and he didn’t have an expressed target didn’t make his offending less serious, the prosecution argued.

The court heard a ‘religious duty’ was behind his offending.

He appeared handcuffed wearing an taqiyah (skullcap) in court, seated in front of a group of supporters.

Kruezi has been behind bars since being arrested alongside Omar Succarieh in a series of counter-terrorism raids in September 2014.

Succarieh attempted to aid Kruezi’s bid to travel to Syria by putting him in contact with his brother Abraham, who was fighting in the Middle Eastern country.

Succarieh was sentenced to four-and-a-half years’ jail in November 2016 after he pleaded guilty to covertly sending money to anti-Assad regime forces in Syria.

Justice Roslyn Atkinson will hand down her sentence on Tuesday.

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