Britain’s oldest mother of quadruplets, 51, is seen pushing her four babies in a special buggy

Britain’s oldest mother of quadruplets, 51, is seen pushing her four babies in a specially made double-decker buggy that takes her 40 minutes to prepare for outings

  • Tracey Britten gave birth on October 26 last year by Caesarean section
  • The 51-year-old from London had to seek help from an IVF clinic in Cyprus
  • She also has three grown-up children and four grandchildren to contend with 

Britain’s oldest mother of quadruplets is seen pushing her brood for the first time in a specially made double-decker buggy.

Tracey Britten, 51, has to spend 40 minutes preparing the stroller for outings with her four babies.

Mrs Britten from north London, who is already a grandmother-of-four, and her second husband Stephen, 40, welcomed the children into the world on October 26 last year.

She is already a mother to three adult children and in order to give birth to the quadruplets, she had to seek help from an IVF clinic in Cyprus.

Tracey Britten (pictured above) was seen for the first time yesterday pushing her quadruplets

The 51-year-old had everything under control as she got onto the bus with the huge stroller in London

The 51-year-old had everything under control as she got onto the bus with the huge stroller in London 

The super-mother of seven was pictured navigating a trip out yesterday with the help of the specially made stroller which had to be ordered from Australia.

The two twins Fredrica and Francesca were seen wrapped up in cute pink snow suits and it is though that little George and Grace were in the street facing seats.

Mrs Britten looked happy as she was seen getting onto a bus with her shopping bags, which included a bag of nappies. 

Mrs Britten looked elated as she pushed the children in the stroller, George and little Grace are pictured in the street facing seats

Mrs Britten looked elated as she pushed the children in the stroller, George and little Grace are pictured in the street facing seats 

Mrs Britten looked to be working hard as she pushed the stroller up an incline with her handbag and baby bags attached

Mrs Britten looked to be working hard as she pushed the stroller up an incline with her handbag and baby bags attached 

Speaking to the Mirror, Mrs Britten said it takes her 20 minutes to assemble the Go Bubba Go pram which retails at just under £1,000 ($1799.00). 

The steps the UK’s oldest mother of quadruplets takes to get them ready 

Tracey Britten has claimed it takes her 40 minutes to get her babies ready to go out, but what does she need to do?

First she has to get the mammoth Go Bubba Go pram ready, which takes 20 minutes.

To do this she has to put the stroller up and attach the four individual seats to the front and back of the stroller.

She then has to dress each child in their snow suits.

Once they are wrapped up she puts each child in the seat and fastens them in. 

It then takes her a further 20 minutes to get the babies into their snow suits and fastened into the stroller before they can leave their home.

But despite the chore of getting the babies ready, she claimed she ‘wouldn’t swap them for the world’.

Not only does she had to navigate the weight of the children, but the pushchair also weighs 15kg, a handful for any parent. 

She added:’I only wanted one child and was blessed with four. It’s a miracle. They’re lovely bundles of joy.’

Last year the babies defied the odds after they had to be delivered by Caesarean section, nine weeks premature.

They were born at London’s University College Hospital, on October 26 last year.

George, identical twins Fredrica and Francesca and Grace now take up around 12 bottles a day.

Mrs Britten also has to provide 12 spoon-fed meals and around 28 nappy changed per day while caring for them.

Packs of nappies! Mrs Britten proved she was a super-mum as she managed to navigate the huge stroller with her shopping bags

Packs of nappies! Mrs Britten proved she was a super-mum as she managed to navigate the huge stroller with her shopping bags