British cancer sufferer is freed from a Dubai prison

A British prostate cancer sufferer who was held in a Dubai prison after customs officers said he had ‘too many pills’ has been freed.  

Perry Coppins, 61, was arrested at the port of Fujairah after a customs official thought he had taken illegal amounts of his prescription medication into the country.

The maritime security officer was carrying his medicine with his prescription, which is legal to take in the United Arab Emirates.

But the father-of-three, from Nottingham, was jailed for five weeks despite his explanation that he needed enough of his medication to last him for a six-month trip.

Perry Coppins (pictured) was arrested at the port of Fujairah in the UAE on November 1 after an official thought he had illegal medication 

Perry Coppins was arrested in the UAE

He was held for five weeks

The maritime security officer (pictured) was held in Dubai but has finally been released 

He was due to appear in court around on January 15 and it was feared that he could have been looking at ‘years’ in prison.

His heartbroken family, daughters, Pia, 24, and Mia, 10, son, 21-year-old son Cameron, said they missed their father and were pleading with the UAE authorities to allow him medical treatment. 

His ordeal began during a luggage check at the port when his prescription paperwork was not accepted by a customs officer.

He has been diagnosed with anxiety and for the last 21 years has been taking Temazepam, Clonazepam and Citalopram prescribed by his GP.  

A protest was launched after news of his arrest was publicised by Campaign group Detained in Dubai (DiD).  

DiD said his passport has now been returned, the charges against him dropped and said that he is free to return home.

However, the group added he was cash-strapped after spending his savings on mounting legal and living expenses as he waited to face court.

DiD chief executive Radha Stirling said: ‘We welcome the decision by Dubai authorities to take the humane and sensible course with Perry.

But he spent his savings in order to mount a legal challenge while he waited for his case to be brought to court 

But he spent his savings in order to mount a legal challenge while he waited for his case to be brought to court 

He was facing a lengthy prison sentence in Dubai, according to the charity which was representing him

He was facing a lengthy prison sentence in Dubai, according to the charity which was representing him

Mr Coppins was detained at the port of Fujairah after a customs officer refused to believe his medication was for personal consumption

Mr Coppins was detained at the port of Fujairah after a customs officer refused to believe his medication was for personal consumption

‘This case should never have escalated to the point of criminal charges, but without the scrutiny of the international media, it is unlikely that Perry would be a free man tonight.

‘In the absence of such attention, what was essentially a misjudgment by one customs official turned into a literally life-threatening situation for Perry.’

DiD claimed Mr Coppins was denied his medication in custody, and his condition deteriorated rapidly as he suffered severe withdrawal, including hallucinations, bouts of blindness and weight loss.

His family and friends were hoping that Mr Coppins would be able to get the treatment he needed.