British children ‘associate US with Trump not Disneyworld’

  • Poll of UK children found more than a quarter associate US with Donald Trump
  • President was ahead of Disneyworld, Statue of Liberty and Marvel superheroes
  • Children were asked for first thing that came to mind in connection with the US 

More children associate the US with Donald Trump than Disneyworld, according to a poll.

A survey has underlined the impact of the the business tycoon on the global stage since he won the race for the White House a year ago.

When British primary school children were asked for the first thing that came to mind about the US, some 26.6 per cent said Mr Trump.

Just 19 per cent said Disneyworld, making the famous Florida theme park the second most popular response.

When British primary school children were asked for the first thing that came to mind about the US, 26.6 per cent said Mr Trump

Disneyworld in Florida was the second most popular response with 19 per cent of the children mentioning it

Disneyworld in Florida was the second most popular response with 19 per cent of the children mentioning it

Dollars and cents were mentioned by 5.7 per cent, yellow taxis by 5.4 per cent, and 4.4 per said the Stars and Stripes flag.

Marvel and DC superheroes such as Spiderman and Superman were cited by 3.2 per cent, and the Statue of Liberty – one of the traditional American icons – was the answer from just 3 per cent.

Quizzed on which country they would like to live in given a choice, 8.5 per cent said the US – just over half the proportion who chose the UK.

Australia was the favoured homeland for 9.7 per cent of the 1,000 children aged 6-11 surveyed by OnePoll, and 9.3 per cent said they wanted to live on the Moon.

Simon Hood, sales and marketing director of international movers firm John Mason, which commissioned the research, said: ‘We move thousands of families around the world every year and so we wanted to find out the thoughts of some of our most important and youngest customers. 

‘We were intrigued by the results we uncovered. ‘Many Americans might be surprised by the impact that President Trump is having on their national reputation amongst children so young. 

‘This might explain why Australia topped the list of countries children would most like to live in, and why the moon proved more popular than the United States.’ 

The Statue of Liberty, one of the traditional American icons, was the answer from 3 per cent

The Statue of Liberty, one of the traditional American icons, was the answer from 3 per cent

Marvel and DC superheroes such as Spiderman and Superman were cited by 3.2 per cent

Superman has been a staple of US culture for decades

Marvel and DC superheroes such as Spiderman and Superman were cited by 3.2 per cent