British couple travel the world in a tiny camper van

For most people losing their jobs is a rather unpleasant experience. But for Olivia Magill and Matt Botting, it was a blessing.

When the young couple, who both worked in travel, were laid off, they took a leap of faith and decided to follow their dream. 

They had always wanted to travel, so when the opportunity arose, they purchased a van and converted it into a tiny camper-van.

Olivia Magill and Matt Botting decided to go travelling in a van after losing their jobs. Pictured: Olivia reading on top of Dalsnibba in Norway

Since leaving the UK seven months ago they’ve been all over Europe twice and have no plans of stopping any time soon.

Matt Botting, 31, said: ‘When we were working we were always busy and there wasn’t much time to go travelling. It was something I’d wanted to do for a such long time.

‘We used to work at a travel company in Sheffield – Liv worked in sales and I worked more in the background sorting things out on the website.

‘When the company resized we both ended up losing our jobs and travelling is something we’ve both wanted to do for a long time so we thought: “Why not go and do it ourselves?”

Since leaving the UK seven months ago they've been all over Europe twice and have no plans of stopping any time soon. Pictured: Matt and Olivia on top of Sonfjallet Mountain in Sweden

Since leaving the UK seven months ago they’ve been all over Europe twice and have no plans of stopping any time soon. Pictured: Matt and Olivia on top of Sonfjallet Mountain in Sweden

It took about four months to convert the van into a camper-van. Pictured: The kitchen inside the van

It took about four months to convert the van into a camper-van. Pictured: The kitchen inside the van

The couple started off in France and then went on to Belgium, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Norway. Pictured: Olivia Magill and Matt Botting before they depart on their travels

The couple started off in France and then went on to Belgium, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Norway. Pictured: Olivia Magill and Matt Botting before they depart on their travels

‘I lost my job a few months before Liv, so I bought a transit van and over about four months we made it into a camper-van and our home.

‘It was a pretty tough at the time – we had no skills and no idea about what we were doing with it but somehow it worked out okay.

‘We’ve been all over Europe now, but we started off in France and then went on to Belgium, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Norway. Then we went all the way back again and most recently we’ve been up to Scotland and Wales.

Olivia, 25, said it was a bit of a surprise for both of their parents – especially because she’d never met Matt’s parents before they decided to go on this trip.

She said: ‘I met Matt’s parents for the first time when we were converting the van – so I was on my best behaviour, but I think it was still a bit of a shock for them that Matt was going off in his van with this strange girl.

‘My parents absolutely loved the idea of us travelling in the van – they think it’s brilliant and my Nan actually sewed all our curtains for the van.

The couple discovered how life in a van is not always easy and problems can definitely arise when your means of transport is also your home. Pictured: Olivia in Fulufjallet, Sweden

The couple discovered how life in a van is not always easy and problems can definitely arise when your means of transport is also your home. Pictured: Olivia in Fulufjallet, Sweden

Olivia said her favourite place was Tiveden national park in Sweden. 'I couldn't believe what I was seeing it was so beautiful,' she said. 'It was all forested and there was a little beach.' Pictured: Matt on a hammock in Tiveden, Sweden

Olivia said her favourite place was Tiveden national park in Sweden. ‘I couldn’t believe what I was seeing it was so beautiful,’ she said. ‘It was all forested and there was a little beach.’ Pictured: Matt on a hammock in Tiveden, Sweden

Olivia said it was a bit of a surprise for both of their parents - especially because she'd never met Matt's parents before they decided to go on this trip. Matt and Olivia in Priekestolen, Norway

Olivia said it was a bit of a surprise for both of their parents – especially because she’d never met Matt’s parents before they decided to go on this trip. Matt and Olivia in Priekestolen, Norway

There were a few road bumps along the way though as the couple discovered how life in a van is not always easy and problems can definitely arise when your means of transport is also your home.

‘I’m quite bad with small spaces – my friends wondered why we were doing it, but actually it was only bad when it was raining for a few days and we were stuck in a little tin box that I got a bit crazy.

‘The only bad experience was when the van’s engine broke in Norway. We drive to garage in this tiny town in Norway and because it was the weekend there was no one in, so we had to park there for two days and then when Monday rolled around no one showed up.

‘We got the van fixed eventually but it was so expensive that by the end of it we left a week earlier than we planned.

Olivia added: ‘Although from the picture in our blog it always looks really beautiful, not every place we park has been nice and romantic – we’ve also spent nights on laybys and service stations.

The couple say the only bad experience was when the van's engine broke in Norway. Pictured: Olivia and Matt in Jostedalsbreen, Norway

The couple say the only bad experience was when the van’s engine broke in Norway. Pictured: Olivia and Matt in Jostedalsbreen, Norway

Along the way the couple have had to spend nights on laybys and service stations. Pictured: Matt and Olivia hiking in Norway

Along the way the couple have had to spend nights on laybys and service stations. Pictured: Matt and Olivia hiking in Norway

‘My favourite place was Tiveden national park in Sweden and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing it was so beautiful. It was all forested and there was a little beach. I think we were there for about three days – the longest time we’ve stayed anywhere.’

It’s been big change for Matt and Olivia – they’ve gone from the daily grind and structure of work to a more laid back life, but they don’t plan on stopping any time soon.

Olivia said: ‘In the van we definitely want to go down to south east Europe and I’d like to go back to Asia again and also to see the rainforest before they’ve gone. Basically I want to go everywhere.’

Matt said: ‘We don’t really have any set plans for the future, but we’ve decided we’re going to migrate a bit with the seasons. We can be really flexible – that’s the beauty of the van.’ 

Matt said: 'We don't really have any set plans for the future, but we've decided we're going to migrate a bit with the seasons. We can be really flexible - that's the beauty of the van.' Pictured: A view from the van in the Peak district

Matt said: ‘We don’t really have any set plans for the future, but we’ve decided we’re going to migrate a bit with the seasons. We can be really flexible – that’s the beauty of the van.’ Pictured: A view from the van in the Peak district