A mother is set to be reunited with her four-year-old daughter after her estranged lesbian partner was arrested trying to land a dinghy on Jersey — three years after she fled Canada with the child.
Tasha Brown, 45, has not seen her daughter Kaydance Etchells since she was taken to Europe from Canada in 2016 after the relationship with her wife broke down.
Despite a court order forbidding Kaydance’s British mother Lauren Etchells from leaving the country, it is thought Ms Etchells travelled to England, France, the Netherlands, the Middle East and possibly to Spain and Portugal while on the run.
Tasha Brown (centre), 45, has not seen her daughter Kaydance Etchells (pictured as a newborn) since she was taken to Europe from Canada in 2016 after the relationship with her wife Lauren Etchells (pictured) broke down

Kaydance was born through the aid of a sperm donor, with Ms Etchells giving birth to her. Pictured together in a park
She left Canada with Kaydance, her new partner Marco van der Merwe and their baby son Marcus.
Ms Etchells, originally from South Shields, has now been arrested along with her parents Brian and Angela Etchells after they tried to land the 13-foot inflatable raft on the Channel Island, police in Canada have said.
According to a statement from Saanich Police the group told officers they were holidaying in France and had decided to ‘pop over to Jersey for a visit’ when they were spotted and questioned on July 1.
But no one in the dinghy had passports and they were arrested on suspicion of immigration offences, police have said.
It is understood the children are now in foster care and Lauren is in custody where she faces extradition to Canada.
Kaydance was born through the aid of a sperm donor, with Ms Etchells giving birth to her.
In a statement Ms Brown, of Vancouver Island, said: ‘I am extremely grateful to learn she is in good health and good care.

Ms Etchells, originally from South Shields, has now been arrested along with her parents Brian and Angela Etchells after they tried to land the 13-foot inflatable raft (pictured) on the Channel Island, police in Canada have said

Ms Brown (left) and Ms Etchells at their staggette bash before their marriage
‘I am celebrating. Kaydance is alive, and we know where she is. But I can’t celebrate 100 per cent yet. Not until Kaydance is back in Canada.
‘It is for this reason that I am spending today with my lawyer, and the various other agencies involved in bringing Kaydance home safely and soon. But there is a lot I still need to do.
‘For now, I wish to thank some of the people and agencies that have helped, including: Elisabeth Strain and the Saanich Police Department for their devotion to this case, along with Global Affairs Canada and the Central Authorities in Victoria, BC and London, UK. Today would not be happening without these special people.
‘I am also grateful for the love I received from the friends and family who kept me going during the lowest of lows.

Ms Etchells (right) left Canada with Kaydance, her new partner Marco van der Merwe (left) and their baby son Marcus

Ms Brown and Ms Etchells (left) with Kaydance in December 2014 — two years before Ms Etchells fled with their daughter to Europe
‘I guess a person can survive on hope. Thank you all for this reminder.’
As a result of repeated movement from country to country a ‘red notice’ was published by INTERPOL, flagging Ms Etchells as a wanted person, which ultimately led to her arrest, police have said.
Ms Brown and Ms Etchells, who was 31 when she fled Canada, had been together for nine years and were both named on the birth certificate as Kaydance’s parents.
But when Ms Brown wanted to work at a private international school in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) she successfully applied to a Canadian Court in Mark 2015 for her name to be removed from the birth certificate.
Homosexuality is illegal in the UAE, and the lesbian couple would not have been able to enter the country with the two women named as parents.
She came to regret this decision when the relationship broke down with Lauren following a visit from the couple’s second sperm donor and Lauren’s best friend, Marco van der Merwe in July 2015.
Tasha cancelled her teaching contract in the UAE, and asked Lauren to put her name back on Kaydance’s birth certificate, but she refused.
In August 2015 a judge issued an apprehension order that allowed Tasha to visit Kaydance.
The judge also ordered that Lauren surrender her and Kaydance’s passports, and not leave Vancouver Island, Canada.
Lauren was also ordered not to apply for a Canadian Passport for Kaydance.
In September 2015 Lauren got engaged to Marco and became pregnant, giving birth to a boy, Marcus, in April 2016.

Unbeknown to Tasha, Lauren had applied for a Canadian passport for Kaydance, against the court order and had gained permission to renew her own British passport. Ms Brown is pictured at Beacon Hill Park with Kaydance
Unbeknown to Tasha, Lauren had applied for a Canadian passport for Kaydance, against the court order and had gained permission to renew her own British passport.
The passports were used by Lauren to flee the country with Kaydance, Marco, Marcus and Kaydance on May 8, 2016.
After they left, Tasha says she was tricked by Lauren in to thinking that her daughter was still in Canada via Skype calls.
Six days later she realised the truth when Lauren did not drop off the tot for the scheduled visit.
Tasha has appealed for her daughter’s return ever since and never gave up hope she’d be found.
Sergeant Julie Fast, Public Information Officer for the Saanich Police said: ‘We are extremely pleased to report that 4-year-old Kaydance has been located and is in the care of the appropriate authorities in Jersey.
‘She is in good health, is happy and appears to have been well cared for.’
A spokesperson for the force added: ‘The process of bringing Kaydance and Lauren back to Canada has now begun but it will take time.
‘Our investigators are committed to working through the scope and intricacies of these next steps, and are thankful for the excellent support provided by all our partnering agencies.’