Brutal Facebook group rates people’s fry ups

There’s nothing quite like a fry up at breakfast time to set you up for the day, so it’s no wonder that the Full English can arouse some very strong passions among enthusiasts.  

In a quest to find the perfect cooked breakfast, fry-up enthusiasts have created a Facebook group where Brits can shared images of their plates – whether homemade or from a café – for others to give their ratings.

And the 50,000 members of The Fry Up Police certainly take the task seriously, with many leaving brutal, expletive-laden reviews of meals they believe are not worthy.

For instance, group moderators dish out instant bans to any plate with fewer than three items, which they insist disqualifies the breakfast from being a Full English. 

One rubbery-looking Sainsbury’s breakfast got a short shrift from commenters, with one declaring it was a ‘clear indication of the end times’, while another said it looked as if it had been cooked with a hairdryer. 

Brutal: Fry Up Police encourages members to submit their fry ups to be rated by the group

Vegan breakfasts featuring meat free sausages were discouraged by the group

Vegan breakfasts featuring meat free sausages were discouraged by the group

Members must answer a series of questions to join the group and once inside the instructions are pretty clear; post pictures of your fry-up and don’t be offended when people criticise it.

Another user dared to post a picture of their vegan fry up, which consisted of meat free sausages, scrambled tofu and of course no bacon. 

Members were predictably outrage with one particularly offended by four cubes of potato billed as ‘potato hash’. 

Members were outraged, with one saying that it ‘looks horrific’ and other ranting that it looks ‘unf*****gbelievable’.

Very popular: The light-hearted group now has over 50,000 members on Facebook

Very popular: The light-hearted group now has over 50,000 members on Facebook

Punny: The witty responses from other members if often the funniest part of the group

Punny: The witty responses from other members if often the funniest part of the group

Shop bought: The group didn't think much of the breakfasts served in the Waitrose cafe

Shop bought: The group didn’t think much of the breakfasts served in the Waitrose cafe

One globetrotter tried Italy’s version of the fry-up while visiting Pisa, but was promptly told to ‘Pisa off by another member of the group.

Many members came up with creative comebacks to the breakfasts posted, including one man who said a fry-up was so tragic that ‘Vera Lynn would sing a song to boost morale for it’. 

The group has some strict rules, that jokingly says ‘abuse is welcomed whole heartedly’ in the expletive-laden group, but they warn members not to cross the line.

Beg for forgiveness: Members who have been kicked out of the group must apologise to a moderator

Beg for forgiveness: Members who have been kicked out of the group must apologise to a moderator

Members often shared pictures of the full English breakfasts they've bought at restaurants

Members often shared pictures of the full English breakfasts they’ve bought at restaurants

Fry up feud: Members of the group pick apart every last detail of the breakfasts posted

Fry up feud: Members of the group pick apart every last detail of the breakfasts posted

The moderators are fiercely against Wetherspoon’s breakfasts and stylish photo filters in the group. 

They also threaten bans on fry-ups that they personally don’t like, particularly vegan meals. 

Members are also not to allowed to post pictures of themselves or anything but their breakfasts in the group.

They’re also warned that breakfast sandwiches are ‘frowned upon’ as are kippers.

If anyone in the group is banned they must message one of the admins and give a ‘groveling apology’. 

Slated: Some members left complimentary reviews, but those were a rarity

Slated: Some members left complimentary reviews, but those were a rarity

Follow the rules: Members will get an instant ban if they post breakfasts from Wetherspoon's

Follow the rules: Members will get an instant ban if they post breakfasts from Wetherspoon’s

Strict: The moderators will ban members for all sorts of reasons, including posting breakfasts which they personally wouldn't eat

Strict: The moderators will ban members for all sorts of reasons, including posting breakfasts which they personally wouldn’t eat