Bus suddenly explodes into flames in the middle of Sydney

  • A Sydney bus exploded into flames and smoke on Monday afternoon in the city
  • The driver fled the vehicle after the explosion, with no other people on the bus 
  • A fire engine rushed to the scene and extinguished the blaze using white foam
  • Nobody was injured and an investigation into the incident has been established

A bus driving through Sydney’s CBD exploded into flames on Monday afternoon, causing ‘extreme’ amounts of smoke to pour into the air.

Two-metre-high flames engulfed the rear of the bus as it came to a stop on an arterial road near the corner of Flinders Street and South Dowling Road.

‘There was smoke pouring out of the bus – all of the doors were open,’ witness Phil Dye told ABC.

‘As I was watching and starting to take a photo, the bus sort of exploded more at the back and the flames started to leap out.’

A bus driving through the Sydney CBD exploded into flames and smoke on Monday afternoon

The driver quickly fled the vehicle, which was thankfully carrying no other passengers at the time, and started instructing bystanders to move away ‘in case it exploded even more’.

But Mr Dye said ‘no-one was going near the thing, I can tell you, the smoke was extreme and the flames were probably about two metres high from the back of the bus’.

A fire engine rushed to the blaze about four minutes after the explosion, and the fire was extinguished with white foam.

Nobody was injured in the incident, and Flinders Street is now open to traffic after being closed down during the afternoon.

A spokeswoman from the office of NSW Transport Minister Andrew Constance said the Office of Transport and Safety Investigations (OTSI) would investigate the bus explosion. 

Fire engines rushed to the blaze in about four minutes, and the fire was extinguished with foam

Fire engines rushed to the blaze in about four minutes, and the fire was extinguished with foam


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