Buyers rush to buy Fire and Fury Donald Trump book in UK

The explosive Donald Trump biography that has rocked the White House has finally gone on sale across the UK as the book was released early to meet demand.

Buyers have rushed to pick up copies of the book, which has risen to the top of sales charts in Britain.

Only limited numbers are available in the UK, after the book’s British publisher Little, Brown rushed the release date forward following the stir it caused in the US.

High street giant Waterstones told MailOnline its flagship Piccadilly store was the only one in the country to receive copies today, with 500 delivered this afternoon.

High street giant Waterstones told MailOnline its flagship Piccadilly store was the only one in the country to receive copies today, with 500 delivered this afternoon (pictured)

Buyers rushed to pick up copies of the book, which has risen to the top of sales charts in Britain

Buyers rushed to pick up copies of the book, which has risen to the top of sales charts in Britain

The book's US publisher has claimed to have received more than a million hardcover orders for the book, with 'hundreds of thousands' of e-book downloads

The book’s US publisher has claimed to have received more than a million hardcover orders for the book, with ‘hundreds of thousands’ of e-book downloads

Amazon is stocking the book online, with the drip-feed of copies meaning an expected delivery time of more than a week.

A spokesperson for the online retailer said: ‘There has been increased interest in this title since last week, with the book sitting on the top of our Best Sellers lists for Books, Kindle Books, and Audible.’ 

Written by the award-winning political writer Michael Wolff, 64, the book is based on months spent inside the White House West Wing.

It also includes interviews with more than 200 people, including Mr Trump and his former chief strategist Steve Bannon. 

After a failed last-ditch legal bid to ban its publication, Mr Trump maintained his Twitter war of words with Mr Wolff, branding him a ‘total loser’.

The book’s US publisher has claimed to have received more than a million hardcover orders for the book, with ‘hundreds of thousands’ of e-book downloads.

Only limited numbers are available in the UK, after the book's British publisher Little, Brown rushed the release date forward

Waterstone Piccadilly's window display

Only limited numbers are available in the UK, with one copy allowed per customer in Waterstones (shown right, Waterstone Piccadilly’s window display)

Kate Skipper, buying director of Waterstones, said all of its reserve copies were sold at the weekend.

She told The Bookseller: ‘We are delighted with our sales of the book of the moment

‘Unsurprisingly we couldn’t keep up with demand and ran out nearly everywhere, but we have plenty more on its way out to our shops.

‘It appears that customer interest has far from peaked so are looking forward to fulfilling customer demand as the stock continues to flow through over the next couple of days.’

Written by the award-winning political writer Michael Wolff (pictured), the book is based on months spent inside the White House West Wing

Written by the award-winning political writer Michael Wolff (pictured), the book is based on months spent inside the White House West Wing