Byrdie reveal how to work out the perfect diet for you

If you’re trying to shift the extra pounds and have tried every diet under the sun, the answer could lie in your reflection.

Indeed, according to one nutritionist and personal trainer, you can figure out which diet is perfect for your body type simply by looking in the mirror.

Thomas Eastham told Byrdie that every woman has one of three body types – endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph. 

He maintains that you can assess which one you are by glancing at your reflection and shares the best eating plan for each body type. So which one are you?

Nutritionist and personal trainer Thomas Eastham says you can figure out which diet is perfect for your body type simply by looking in the mirror. He shares the three different types and which diet is best for each one

1. Ectomorphs

The body type: Ectomorphs are generally thin and have a petite frame and small bone structure. 

Their figure resembles that of an athlete and they can eat what they want without putting on weight thanks to their speedy metabolism and high carbohydrate tolerance. 

Celebrity examples: Karlie Kloss or Kate Moss.

The diet for you: Thomas reccomends a high carb, moderate protein and low fat diet. He suggests a diet formula of 55 per cent carbs, 25 per cent protein, and 20 per cent fat.

Ectomorphs like Kate Moss are generally thin and have a petite frame and small bone structure. They should focus on eating more carbs

Ectomorphs like Kate Moss are generally thin and have a petite frame and small bone structure. They should focus on eating more carbs

2. Mesomorphs

The body type: This type of body has a medium bone structure and athletic frame. Because this type of person likes to work out they’ll have plenty of lean mass with toned arms and legs. 

Thomas explains that the figure is akin to wrestlers and gymnasts. ‘Mesomorphs tend to be testosterone- and growth hormone–dominant, which means they have a predisposition for muscle gain and the maintenance of a lower body fat,’ he explained.

Celebrity example: Misty Copeland.

The diet for you: A fairly mixed diet works well for this body type so stick to a formula of 40 per cent carbohydrate, 30 per cent protein, and 30 per cent fat.

Mesomorphs like ballerina Misty Copeland have a medium bone structure and athletic frame and need a balanced diet with a good mix of carbs, protein and fat

Mesomorphs like ballerina Misty Copeland have a medium bone structure and athletic frame and need a balanced diet with a good mix of carbs, protein and fat

3. Endomorphs

The body type: Ladies with this body have a larger bone structure with a higher body fat percentage.

These woman are also less active than the other body types and find it harder to burn off calories, instead storing their excess calorie intake as fat. They also find it harder to eat as many carbohydrates for this reason.  

Celebrity example: Khloe Kardashian.

The diet for you: Endomorphs are less active so will use their fat as fuel. Therefore, Thomas recommends a diet of 25 per cent carbs, 35 per cent protein, and 40 per cent fat. 

Endomorphs like Khloe Kardashian have a larger bone structure with a higher body fat percentage and should cut their carb intake but increase their fat intake

Endomorphs like Khloe Kardashian have a larger bone structure with a higher body fat percentage and should cut their carb intake but increase their fat intake