Caboolture, Queensland couple chases attempted thief off their property with a wooden plank

Incredible moment a man thwarts an alleged car thief trying to make off with his beloved Landcruiser – before his wife joins in armed with a plank of wood

  • A man who attempted to rob a Queensland couple was chased away
  • Terry Dennehy saw man trying to drive off with his ute and dived inside
  • He wrestled the man into a headlock before the vehicle was stopped
  • The man got out and was chased away by his wife with a wooden plank 

A couple has left a car thief battered and bruised after thwarting his getaway and beating him with a wooden plank. 

Terry Dennehy was caught on CCTV chasing down his ute as a man attempted to steal the Landcruiser at their Caboolture, south-east Queensland home.

Unfortunately for the thief, Mr Dennehy dived into the vehicle and wrestled him into a headlock. 

A topless Terry Dennehy was caught on CCTV chasing down his ute as a thief attempted to steal the vehicle before his wife (above) chased the attempted criminal off their property with a large wooden plank

Mr Dennehy said he was determined no one was going to steal his beloved ute. 

 ‘I thought no way, no one’s taking my ute. That’s mine,’ he told 7News.

Mr Dennehy was in the process of forcing the man out of the ute when his wife arrived with her wooden plank in hand.

His wife Dee Arias proceeded to chase and beat the would-be criminal.

His wife chased and beat the male with a plank saying she was 'aiming for his head'

His wife chased and beat the male with a plank saying she was ‘aiming for his head’

‘He kept screaming “ouch ouch, stop it” and I said “I’m not gonna stop it”,’ she said.  

‘I was aiming for his head.’ 

Before he was chased off the property the thief had spent two hours in the couple’s shed filling the ute with equipment.

Despite his escape the couple is confident he won’t be back for a second round.

‘Give it a go,’ Mr Dennehy warned the thief.

‘But next time you’ll be a lot worse.’ 
