California school lists phone sex hotline instead of suicide prevention number

California school lists phone sex hotline instead of suicide prevention number on the back of its ID cards for students

  • A concerned mother noticed the sex hotline after looking over her child’s ID card from the New Vista Middle School in Lancaster, California 
  • Concerned with the number, the mother posted the ID card onto social media  
  • Lancaster School District has not commented on the card 

A California parent was left shocked after she discovered that her child’s school identification card had the number for a sex hotline instead of the number for the 24 hour suicide prevention number. 

The mother’s child attends New Vista Middle School in Lancaster, California. 

Concerned with the number, the mother posted the ID card onto social media.


A concerned mother noticed the sex hotline after looking over her child’s ID card from the New Vista Middle School in Lancaster, California

The card lists several instructions and emergency resources for students to utilize. 

It contains a tip line, a crisis tex(t) line and several teen lines. The number for the sex hotline has been muzzed out by local reports. 

Concerned with the number, the mother posted the ID card onto social media

Concerned with the number, the mother posted the ID card onto social media

It is currently unknown how the worried mother stumbled upon the number. 

It is also unclear how the snafu was made but the card does contain multiple errors. 

The Lancaster School District could not be reached for a comment by CBS LA.