Call to reform tax rules still stacked AGAINST people who live together

Leading financial experts believe it is time for the tax treatment of cohabitees to be overhauled and made fairer. They argue that people who live together, but who are not married or in a civil partnership, often suffer financial detriment as a result of archaic rules. This can affect how much they inherit from loved ones – and in some cases land them with frightening tax bills.

Steve Webb, who was a Pensions Minister in the Coalition government of David Cameron, says the Treasury should ‘bite the bullet and review the taxation of cohabiting couples – as well as benefits’. He says the problem should be dealt with ‘systematically’.

It is a view shared by Johnny Timpson, an ambassador for bereavement support service GriefChat, and an advocate for inclusivity and consumer fairness across the financial services sector. He believes it is time for a ‘levelling up’ campaign so cohabitees are put on an equal financial footing with married couples and those in civil partnerships.

‘The system is not fair,’ he says. ‘Large chunks of the tax system do not recognise cohabitees.’

Timpson is also chairman of the military insurance broker Absolute Military and is seeking greater protection and better outcomes for many families of veterans and servicemen and women who are cohabiting.

I was left six-figure inheritance tax bill 

When her partner of 27 years died in a motorcycle accident in July 2021, Catherine James (not her real name) had no idea how the tax system would conspire against her. But Stuart’s death has left her with a six-figure tax bill which she will struggle to pay.

The inheritance tax derives from the couple’s wealth – they owned a number of properties between them. However, as they never married, Catherine is unable to benefit from the exemption for married couples or civil partners, which enables a surviving partner to inherit tax-free from their loved one.

Unfair: Catherine James didn’t qualify for exemptions when her partner Stuart died

‘We spoke about marriage,’ says Catherine. ‘But we never got around to it. We were comfortable with the way we were.

‘I think it is disgraceful that cohabitees are treated so unfairly when it comes to inheritance tax.’

A few days ago, she received a backdated bereavement support payment as a result of a Supreme Court ruling in 2018 stating that cohabitees with dependent children should be eligible for the benefit – Stuart and Catherine have two children. The irony is not lost on her.

‘Talk about a lack of joined- up tax rules,’ she says.

‘Cohabitees deserve a fairer deal.’

The call for fairer treatment comes as the latest data from the Office for National Statistics indicates that fewer adults than ever before – in percentage terms – are married or in a civil partnership.

In 1991, the percentage was 58.4. The data for 2021 shows this has fallen to 46.9 per cent.

So how is it that cohabitees get stung?

One of the biggest tax discriminations is on inheritance tax.

When someone dies, their estate – comprising their property, possessions and assets – is potentially liable to 40 per cent tax. But the taxman does provide concessions to mitigate the tax bill.

So, the first £325,000 of an estate (the nil-rate band) is tax-exempt. There is an additional resident nil rate band of £175,000 if the ‘family home’ is given to children or grandchildren, though this falls on estates worth more than £2 million at a rate of £1 for every £2 in excess.

For ‘couples’, any unused nil-rate band when the first person dies can be transferred to the survivor, potentially boosting the nil rate band to £650,000. The same applies to the resident nil-rate band. So for couples, up to £1 million of their estate can escape inheritance tax.

But the terms ‘family home’ and ‘couples’ only embrace those who are married or in a civil partnership. They do not include people who have been living together – cohabiting.

The result is that when one of them dies, there is no nil-rate that can be transferred. Also, if they have children, there is no additional resident nil-rate band. It means that a surviving cohabitee can face a big inheritance tax bill if their partner dies, as Catherine James discovered (see above).

Webb, now a partner at financial consultant Lane Clark & Peacock, says: ‘It’s hard to justify why a couple who have cohabited for 30 years could face an inheritance tax bill when one bequeaths [their estate] to the other – whereas a couple who have been married for two years might be exempt.

‘The discrimination has got worse because the resident nil-rate band is only transferable between married couples and civil partners – and not cohabiting couples.’

Inconsistencies in financial treatment

What makes inheritance tax discrimination against cohabitees so difficult to fathom is that in other areas, the Government is now treating cohabitees more fairly.

This month, the Department for Work and Pensions said it would (at long last) be extending bereavement benefits – the bereavement support payment and its precursor, the widowed parent’s allowance – to surviving cohabiting parents who have dependent children.

This followed a Supreme Court ruling in 2018 and long-standing campaigns by a number of bereavement charities including WAY Widowed and Young, the Childhood Bereavement Network and the Child Poverty Action Group.

It means thousands of surviving parents with dependent children whose partners died before February 9 this year are now receiving lump sum payments, backdated to August 2018 – the date of the court ruling. Among them is Catherine James.

Discrimination: Steve Webb says the rules are hard to justify

Discrimination: Steve Webb says the rules are hard to justify

For anyone getting child benefit when their partner died (or who did not get it but were entitled to it) the maximum payment is £9,800.

If they were not entitled to Child Benefit it is £4,300.

Steve Webb says the move is welcome, but did not go far enough. He explains: ‘Even though DWP reluctantly extended bereavement payments to cohabiting couples with children, cohabiting couples without children are still excluded.’

Will the discrimination end any time soon?

With the Government intent on shoring up the country’s finances, it is unlikely to make the inheritance tax rules more cohabitee-friendly.

The latest data on inheritance tax receipts, released a few days ago, show that the Treasury has so far collected £5.9 billion in the current tax year – £900 million more than over the same period in the previous tax year.

Experts say these tax receipts will continue to grow more quickly over the next few years, primarily as a result of the nil-rate and resident nil-rate thresholds being frozen at £325,000 and £175,000 until at least the tax year starting April 6, 2028.

This freeze was announced in November last year by Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt as part of measures designed to put the public finances back on an even keel.

Ros Altmann, who like Webb is a former Pensions Minister, says that on ‘fairness grounds’, the case for the inheritance tax rules to be amended to treat cohabitees the same as those who are married ‘seems strong’. But she adds: ‘I am not sure the Treasury will want to lose any of the revenue stream they are getting from inheritance tax which has been rising sharply.’

Yet Timpson at GriefChat says Government action is required now. He also wants the Government to issue clear guidance on how pension schemes treat surviving cohabitees in relation to pension and workplace death-in-service insurance benefits.

He also believes that the Government-sponsored Money and Pensions Service should do more to educate people about the financial implications of cohabitation.
