A Cambridge-educated doctor accused of having sex with multiple women at his GP surgery threatened to kill one of his lovers, she told a tribunal on Monday.
The woman – referred to only as Miss D – denied being driven by a desire to ‘ruin’ Dr Tom Plimmer and alleged that he made the threat to her ‘recently’.
She also told a misconduct hearing that the 40-year-old had been paying another woman ‘in exchange for sex at work’, and that in addition to conducting a series of affairs he had set up ‘a secret second home’.
Dr Plimmer – who the Mail revealed has previously spoken openly about his battle with sex addiction and having slept with almost 90 women – is accused of inviting two women to the surgery in Swindon, Wiltshire, for sex during working hours.
He also allegedly swapped innuendo-filled messages with a female colleague before they embarked on weekly sexual encounters in his consulting room.
The doctor has previously spoken openly about his battle with sex addiction and having slept with almost 90 women

According to the allegations Dr Plimmer (pictured) faces, in 2021 he said ‘if that **** takes me to the GMC I’ll slit her throat’ and ‘I know where she lives’, or words to that effect
Today his lawyer said that Dr Plimmer admits telling Miss D that if he was investigated by the General Medical Council ‘again’, he would ‘slit’ the throat of another alleged lover.
But Tom Day, representing Dr Plimmer, said the comment was made ‘in the heat of the moment’, earlier suggesting it had been meant ‘figuratively’.
And he said his client denied saying he knew where the woman – referred to as Miss F – lived.
‘He did say he knew where she lived,’ Miss D responded.
According to the allegations Dr Plimmer faces, in 2021 he said ‘if that **** takes me to the GMC I’ll slit her throat’ and ‘I know where she lives’, or words to that effect.
In the second week of evidence, the Medical Practitioners Tribunal hearing heard Miss D deny attempting to intimidate one of Dr Plimmer’s witnesses.
She added that ‘through the same person, Tom had made a threat to kill me, recently’.
Miss D also denied Mr Day’s suggestion that she had ‘decided to ruin Dr Plimmer in whatever way you could’ after learning he had been cheating on her.
She alleged that one of Dr Plimmer’s patients told her ‘he had been paying her money in exchange for sex at work’.

Dr Plimmer is accused of using his surgery for sex sessions with a string of lovers while he should have been working

Dr Plimmer has been accused of sending unsolicited pictures of his genitals that were ‘taken at work’

During the tribunal the doctor was hit with allegations from at least half a dozen women, including a ‘vulnerable’ colleague
Mr Day responded by pointing out that this did not form part of the allegations Dr Plimmer faces.
Miss D said she had reported Dr Plimmer because she had found out about ‘more than just affairs – I found relationships lasting years and a secret second home’.
Last week another of his lovers told how he had spoken of suffering from ‘untreated sex addiction’ and said she was ‘not the only one’ he had preyed on.
‘I was used as an object who kept a sex addict from being bored,’ she alleged.
The tribunal – which is taking place through online sessions – previously heard that Dr Plimmer lied about family members being ill while attempting to ‘juggle’ his string of girlfriends.
The medic – who faces allegations from a total of six women – accepts that sexual activity with the colleague took place, but he claims it was consensual.
He also admits that he also sent her pictures of himself with his head in a noose, having sex with other women and performing a sexual act on himself.
On Saturday, the Daily Mail revealed how Dr Plimmer gave a candid interview to a Sunday newspaper in 2016 about his battle with the condition – resulting, he said, in his sacking from a previous GP post.
The doctor – who was photographed but used his mother’s maiden name rather than his professional surname – spoke of living a ‘double life’.
‘On the face of it, I had a life most people would envy – a happy relationship and a well-paid, steady job as a GP,’ he told the Sunday Mirror. ‘I had convinced myself I would never be found out.
‘But eventually my world crashed down around me and I ended up on the brink of suicide.’
In the interview, Dr Plimmer also recounted that from his very first serious relationship, aged 18, he had been perennially unfaithful.
‘I’ve slept with almost 90 women,’ he added.
The hearing continues.
Read more at DailyMail.co.uk