Camilla Akerberg: Are YOU eating right for your body type?

Every day it seems as though a new fad diet, superfood or quirky workout is flooding social media feeds the world over.

And while these regimes may work for some, there is a far simpler way to stay in shape both inside and out. 

The trick? Eating and exercising for your particular body shape.   

Here, FEMAIL speaks to Australian personal trainer, fitness coach and nutrition coach, Camilla Akerberg, about these body shapes and the ideal approach to health and fitness for each one.

Here, FEMAIL speaks to Australian personal trainer, fitness coach and nutrition coach, Camilla Akerberg , about these body shapes and the ideal approach to health and fitness for each one

'Your body is unique in every way, however, we can stereotype traits in bodies and categorise them into body types,' she said 

‘Your body is unique in every way, however, we can stereotype traits in bodies and categorise them into body types,’ she said 


‘We are all different from each other and react differently to training and nutrition. If you are more curvy, following your skinny, lean friend’s diet and exercise regime might not be the best for your body’s needs,’ Ms Akerberg said. 

‘Your body is unique in every way, however, we can stereotype traits in bodies and categorise them into body types. 

‘The most used body type system today is the Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotype system’ which focuses on fat, muscle and the body’s capacity to change with physical activity. 

'This system breaks down all the unique body types into three main stereotypes: The Ectomorph, the Mesomorph and the Endomorph,' she said 

‘This system breaks down all the unique body types into three main stereotypes: The Ectomorph, the Mesomorph and the Endomorph,’ she said 

‘This system breaks down all the unique body types into three main stereotypes: The Ectomorph, the Mesomorph and the Endomorph.

‘Your body type can also be calculated with the help of skin folds, measurements and weight. In my program I have a body type test that you can do if you are unsure. 

‘However, most people will know their body well enough to find out which one of the three body types is the dominant one for them – although you are most likely to have qualities from several body types.’ 


Celebrity Ectomorphs: Kendall Jenner, Kate Moss, Cameron Diaz 

What is an ectomorph?   

‘An ectomorph person is naturally skinny with long limbs. They have a smaller bone-structure (skinny wrists, skinny ankles),’ Ms Akerberg said. 

‘As they tend to have a high metabolic rate, they lose fat easily and they find it harder to put on muscle. These people are often a bit hyper and excessively fidgety (which increases their non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

‘This contributes to that fast metabolism. They are often quite picky eaters but can often eat a lot without seeming to put on weight. These people are often quite high in cortisol.’

'An ectomorph person is naturally skinny with long limbs. They have a smaller bone-structure (skinny wrists, skinny ankles),' Ms Akerberg said (pictured is ectomorph Kendall Jenner)

‘An ectomorph person is naturally skinny with long limbs. They have a smaller bone-structure (skinny wrists, skinny ankles),’ Ms Akerberg said (pictured is ectomorph Kendall Jenner)

How should they train?    

Ectomorphs naturally lack muscle and strength. 

‘To attain a more fit look they need to concentrate on adding intensity to their training through compound exercises like squat variations, lunges, deadlifts and kettlebell swings,’ Ms Akerberg said.

‘They should also add weights to their training. 

‘Do not be afraid to lift weights! It will not make you look bulky. Ectomorphs won’t need much cardio to remain slim so keep this to low – maximum two days of low intensity circuit training or similar.’

'To attain a more fit look they need to concentrate on adding intensity to their training through compound exercises like squat variations, lunges, deadlifts and kettlebell swings,' Ms Akerberg said

‘To attain a more fit look they need to concentrate on adding intensity to their training through compound exercises like squat variations, lunges, deadlifts and kettlebell swings,’ Ms Akerberg said

They should also do resistance training three to four days per week and allow more rest time in between sets. 

‘Progressive overload (when you increase weight load from week to week) will be a key aspect of an ectomorph’s workout to keep on challenging oneself and keep building strength,’ Ms Akerberg added.

‘It’s also important to try to keep stress levels low as high cortisol levels can be disadvantageous for building muscle.’

What should ectomorphs eat?  

Diet wise, ectomorphs will usually have to eat a lot to put on muscle. 

They usually tolerate carbohydrates well, so these people should not be carbohydrate shy when trying to reach their body goals. 

Try and pick fresh and real food alternatives rather than processed carbohydrate variants. 

A keto (no carb, high fat) diet is not recommended for the typical ectomorph. 


Celebrity Mesomorphs: Gigi Hadid, Halle Berry 

What is a mesomorph?    

‘The mesomorph is a commonly desired body type,’ Ms Akerberg said. 

‘Mesomorphs are genetically blessed, they are naturally more toned looking and respond well to training. 

‘They are naturally strong and muscular and gain muscle easy and lose fat easy. They are known to have a narrow waist but broader shoulders than the ectomorph body type.’

'Mesomorphs are genetically blessed, they are naturally more toned looking and respond well to training,' she said (pictured is mesomorph Gigi Hadid)

‘Mesomorphs are genetically blessed, they are naturally more toned looking and respond well to training,’ she said (pictured is mesomorph Gigi Hadid)

How should they train? 

‘Variation is the key! A diverse exercise program suits a mesomorph person well with both cardio and strength training,’ Ms Akerberg said.

‘Since they are naturally muscular and hold on to muscle mass well this mass will help them burn more calories, even at a resting state. 

‘A mix of high-intensity, low intensity steady state cardio and strength training can be quite an effective training approach for a person with a dominance in the mesomorph body type.

'Variation is the key! A diverse exercise program suits a mesomorph person well with both cardio and strength training,' Ms Akerberg said

‘Variation is the key! A diverse exercise program suits a mesomorph person well with both cardio and strength training,’ Ms Akerberg said

What should mesomorphs eat?  

Mesomorphs usually do quite well on a mixed diet (lean proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates) and have a moderate carbohydrate tolerance. 

Depending on where the person sits on the scale of the somatotype system and depending on the individual, they may respond better to either fats or carbohydrates. It’s important to listen to one’s body. 


Celebrity Endomorphs: Kim Kardashian, Beyonce 

What is an endomorph?    

An endomorph body type is usually a larger curvier figure. They are quite commonly a stocky build and their bodies hold onto fat well and find it hard to lose. 

Their chest is wide and bones may be shorter. 

An endomorph body type is usually a larger curvier figure. They are quite commonly a stocky build and their bodies hold onto fat well and find it hard to lose

An endomorph body type is usually a larger curvier figure. They are quite commonly a stocky build and their bodies hold onto fat well and find it hard to lose

An endomorph body type is usually a larger curvier figure. They are quite commonly a stocky build and their bodies hold onto fat well and find it hard to lose

How should they train?    

‘An endomorph will need to adopt a new lifestyle to lose fat and keep it off,’ Ms Akerberg said.

‘Strength training will aid in the muscle-to-fat-ratio which quicken the metabolism. The more muscle one has compared to fat the more calories the person will burn, even at rest. 

‘Don’t be afraid to lift some weights in the gym! For resistance training – allow little rest time in between sets. To burn more calories and to engage your heart do cardiovascular activities.’

What should endomorphs eat?

Endomorphs should generally lower their carbohydrate intake and consume carbs only around training or as a carb backload approach. 

They usually respond better to a diet higher in fats. 

Endomorphs are prone to inflammation in the body and should be especially careful with consuming inflammatory foods.

What are inflammatory foods?

Vegetable oils (excluding olive, coconut and cocoa)




Meat (especially red meat)

Refined carbohydrates (white flour, white rice, corn and rice cereals)


Sugary foods


What are anti-inflammatory foods?

Fish (especially oily fish like salmon and mackerel)



Leafy green vegetables

Spices and herbs

High fibre foods

Wholefood carbs (vegetables and nuts)

Brightly coloured fruit and vegetables
