Can YOU pass the ultimate MORALITY test? Woman stuns the internet with brutal question that reveals whether you are truly a good person

A content creator has revealed a complex morality test that has stumped the internet – and it involves you having to deal with feelings of bitter betrayal and heartache while overcoming a desire for revenge against those closest to you. 

Katrina Sirju frequently poses moral questions to her 193,000 followers – the majority of which have no happy endings.

However, the US-based creator’s latest quiz has struck quite the chord with her fellow TikTok users thanks to the incredibly detailed hypothetical scenario required to complete it. 

In a viral video, which has so far amassed more than 6.8 million views, the creator asked whether you would save your sibling or your spouse’s life after they both betrayed you.

Katrina Sirju has detailed the ultimate test of morality – and it has to do with whether you will save the life of your sibling or your spouse

In a viral video, which has so far amassed over 6.4 million views, the creator asked whether you would save your sibling or your spouse's life after they both betrayed you (stock image)

In a viral video, which has so far amassed over 6.4 million views, the creator asked whether you would save your sibling or your spouse’s life after they both betrayed you (stock image)

At the beginning of the viral clip, she said: ‘You and your significant other have been married for seven years. You are both very much in love and enjoy doing things together, but you realize for the past week [that] your significant other has seemed stressed and distant.’ 


Who would YOU save?

  • Spouse 1100 votes
  • Sibling 1273 votes
  • Neither 939 votes

She explained that your spouse chalked it up to work. 

However, when you, your sister and spouse went hiking one day, you discovered the truth. 

While hiking, your spouse stopped at the edge of a cliff and confessed that he had been having an affair with your sibling. 

‘You look over to your sibling who has their head down but doesn’t seem shaken up by the confession,’ she said. 

Your sibling doesn’t apologize, but is clearly ashamed. Your spouse however, is extremly apologetic and assures you it will never happen again. 

‘Your sibling does not apologize but gets up to walk away but slips on a small rock and instinctively grabs your significant other, causing them to both fall over the cliff. 

‘The fall was far but not enough to immediately take their lives but they are both badly hurt and unconscious,’ she said. 

She explained that while hiking your sibling and spouse fell off a cliff and are badly hurt

You have to choose to save one of them - but both of them betrayed you by having an affair

She explained that while hiking your sibling and spouse fell off a cliff and are badly hurt, you have to choose to save one of them – but both of them betrayed you by having an affair

The two get airlifted to the emergency room and while you wait for them, the doctor approaches you for a serious talk. 

‘The doctor tells you that they’re both alive but you sibling needs a blood transfusion and your significant other needs a kidney transplant immediately. 

‘The doctor states that they are both in critical condition and if they don’t receive what they need very soon, they will both die,’ she said.

 The content creator added: ‘Do you give your blood to your sibling, causing you to be too weak for the kidney transplant, resulting in the loss of your significant other. 

‘Or do you give your kidney to your significant other, making you unable to donate your blood to your sibling, resulting in their death.’ 

Viewers were torn over the hypothetical situation, with many of them claiming they wouldn’t donate anything to either loved one. 

Viewers were torn over the hypothetical situation, with many of them claiming they wouldn't donate anything to either loved one

Viewers were torn over the hypothetical situation, with many of them claiming they wouldn’t donate anything to either loved one

One person said: ‘I mean I called 911 so I feel like that’s enough.’ 

Another user commented: ‘Oh I can’t give you anything, ask somebody else.’

‘The fact I stayed at the hospital is enough,’ wrote another person. 

‘Neither,’ added someone else. 

‘Leave them both,’ added one person.

‘I think they belong together in heaven,’ said another user. 

‘The hospital can figure it out,’ said one person.

However, others said they would donate their blood to their sibling. 

However, others said they would donate their blood to their sibling

However, others said they would donate their blood to their sibling

One person said: ‘My sister, she was my sibling before he was my husband but I’m never going to be close with her anymore.’ 

Another user commented: ‘My sister just because my mom would never survive the death of a child but best believe after that she’s dead to me.’ 

‘I’m giving my sibling the blood. I don’t have life insurance on my sibling,’ wrote another person. 

One viewer added: ‘Give blood to my sibling, I can find another significant other that doesn’t cheat but I can’t get another sibling.’ 

Although viewers said they would donate their blood to their sibling, no one revealed they would help their spouse.  
