Canadian Mounties arrest 5 naked suspects after kidnapping

Canadian Mounties arriving at the scene of a car crash in Alberta on a frigid Monday morning discovered five naked people inside, and ended up arresting them on suspicion of kidnapping a mother, her father and her newborn baby.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Cpl. Laurel Scott said the mother, six-week-old infant and the woman’s father had been abducted from a home in Nisku, Laduc County, at around 9.30am and forced into a BMW against their will.

While the car was being driven, the adult man, who was stuffed in the trunk, somehow managed to escape. Shortly after that the woman escaped with the baby.


A completely naked woman is pictured being arrested in Alberta, Canada, on a frigid Monday morning after a kidnapping and car crash

Head-scratcher, eh? Canadian Mounties say in all, they arrested five naked people who were suspected of abducting a family of three from their home, among them a newborn baby

Head-scratcher, eh? Canadian Mounties say in all, they arrested five naked people who were suspected of abducting a family of three from their home, among them a newborn baby

Bizzare: The arrests were made after the victims escaped and sought refuge in the truck of a Good Samaritan, which the suspects then rammed with their BMW

Bizzare: The arrests were made after the victims escaped and sought refuge in the truck of a Good Samaritan, which the suspects then rammed with their BMW

Authorities said a passing motorist noticed the victims, offered assistance and placed all three in his truck before the suspects’ white BMW rammed the rear of the Good Samaritan’s vehicle and ended up wrecked in a ditch.

Derek Scott, of LPH Industrial, tells CTV News it was his employee who came to the family’s rescue after seeing them running barefoot in the snow.  

Mounted Police responded to the scene on Township Road 510 at 9.47am and arrested a man, two women and two underage girls, all of whom were ‘not clothed at the time of their arrest,’ according to a press release.

Global News Canada reports that at the time of the crash on Monday morning, temperatures in the area were around 17 degrees. 

Police are seen leading away a naked male suspect, who is now facing charges of kidnapping and resisting arrest 

Police are seen leading away a naked male suspect, who is now facing charges of kidnapping and resisting arrest 

Officials towed away the wrecked white BMW that the suspects were traveling in 

Officials towed away the wrecked white BMW that the suspects were traveling in 

Four of the five naked people were taken to a hospital. Charges are now pending against the three adults for kidnapping and resisting arrest.

The two underage females in the group were released without charges.

Officials said the three people who were abducted, including the infant, were not injured.

The investigation continued but officials believe that this was a targeted kidnapping where ‘all parties were known to each other,’ and that drugs or alcohol might have been a factor.