Canberra Airport will shut down on Saturdays because there aren’t enough flights coming in

Canberra Airport will shut down on Saturdays because there aren’t enough flights coming in thanks to the coronavirus pandemic

  • Canberra Airport will shut down on Saturdays due to the lack of flights 
  • The ACT airport may also close on Tuesdays due to coronavirus travel bans 
  • The passenger terminal first closed its doors on April 15 and 16

Canberra Airport will shut down on Saturdays due to the lack of flights in and out of the capital during the coronavirus pandemic.

The ACT airport may also close on Tuesdays due to coronavirus travel bans.

Head of Aviation Michael Thomson said the airport was doing whatever it could to stay open and keep people employed.

Canberra Airport will shut down on Saturdays due to the lack of flights in and out of the capital during the coronavirus pandemic. A Qantas flight is seen arriving in Canberra on May 15

‘We need a national domestic aviation recovery plan,’ he said on Friday.

‘We have been forced to close the airport on August 22 and 29 and we will review this decision with the possibility of future closures.

‘We simply can’t keep functioning when aviation travel is down to around one per cent of pre-COVID passenger numbers.’

The passenger terminal first closed its doors on April 15 and 16 due to a lack of scheduled flights.

Mr Thomson called on Australian governments to develop a comprehensive plan that would allow people to travel based on risk assessments and health advice.

He said prerequisites could include COVID testing, heat screening and masks.

‘What’s important is that the discussion is had between the health officials, the aviation industry and governments for a coordinated approach, and that it happens before it’s too late,’ Mr Thomson said.

‘There are levels of risk for everything we do in life but in health, business and our daily lives, we manage risk and carry on, otherwise nothing would ever be achieved.’