Canna Campbell shares checklist for financial success

Canna Campbell, a Sydney-based finance expert, recently made headlines after saving more than $36,000 in 13 months – all in addition to her regular salary. 

The Sugar Mamma founder started her $1,000 Project in late 2016 and was able to succeed in saving packages of $1,000 through simple techniques, investing and earning money through decluttering, second hand shopping and Airbnb.

Now, Canna has put together a nine point checklist to help people achieve their financial goals this year and significantly boost their savings in 2018.       

‘I have made a check list that is very easy follow and they are things you can do right now, today, that are going to put all the right planning and preparation in place so you can hit the ground running,’ Canna, 37, said in her video. 

Canna Campbell, a Sydney-based financial expert, recently made headlines after saving more than $36,000 in 13 months – all in addition to her regular salary


The first step, Canna explained, is working out what your net financial position is right now.

‘Add up all of your financial assets and liabilities and when I say assets I don’t mean your amazing shoe collection or handbags or things like laptops and phones,’ she said.  

‘I am talking about money in the bank, any shares or stocks or managed funds you might own, any retirement savings you might have.’

The next step is adding up financial liabilities like personal loans, student loans, credit cards and car loans – whatever it may be.

‘Take your total assets and deduct them from the total liabilities. That is going to give you a snapshot as to where you stand financially today,’ Canna said. 

‘You do this because it is going to show you where you are standing so you can see the progress you are going to create throughout the next 12 months. This will give you that really proud feeling when you look back.’

The first step, Canna explained, is working out what your net financial position is right now

The first step, Canna explained, is working out what your net financial position is right now

How did Canna Campbell save $36,000 in 13 months?

* Rented my house out on Airbnb over the weekend (I did this with a friend and we took it in turns to stay at each others places )

* I did market research

* I sold furniture and clothes online

* I took my lunch to work

* I implemented more minimalism

* I wrote a book (The $1,000 Project)

* I worked on weekends to earn extra money  

* I built an app (coming out soon) 

* I have quiet weekends at home 

* I entertained in my home instead of bars and restaurants 

* I did frugal February 

* I purchased clothes second hand to save money


‘Make sure you set really meaningful goals and make sure they are detailed – they need to have a deadline so you can know when you have actually achieved them,’ Canna said. 

‘Having those goals is incredibly important because it makes sure that you spring out of bed with that dedication and commitment and sense of purpose and clarity. 

‘Have your written financial goals ready.’ 


The next step is knowing exactly where all your hard earned money is going.

‘You need to know this so that you can work out how to save more money, how to earn more money and where to direct that money so that it goes towards the achievement of your goals,’ Canna explained. 

‘I created an app called Sugar Budget which makes it really quick and easy to do your budget, to work out where to direct your money and to achieve goals.

‘Make sure you do your budget and make sure you are using your cash aligned to your financial goals.’

'Make sure you do your budget and make sure you are using your cash aligned to your financial goals,' Canna said (pictured is an example of one she did up)

‘Make sure you do your budget and make sure you are using your cash aligned to your financial goals,’ Canna said (pictured is an example of one she did up)


One of the simplest steps is thinking up as many ideas as possible for ways that you can save and earn more money.

‘It doesn’t matter how weird and wonderful they are, it may actually end up being a stroke of genius,’ Canna said.

‘When I did the $1,000 Project where I saved and earned $36,000 over 13 months money came from so many different directions and none of that came from my savings or my salary. 

‘Look outside of the square at things you can do that are reasonable for your situation and write them down so you never forget them. Put it on a list that you can refer to on a regular basis.’

One of the simplest steps is thinking up as many ideas as possible for ways that you can save and earn more money 

One of the simplest steps is thinking up as many ideas as possible for ways that you can save and earn more money 


It is now game day – what things are you actually going to do?

‘This is where you go out and do all of these great things. Even if it’s only one little thing you can do each day that’s okay because we know that baby steps count,’ Canna said. 

‘Make sure you are doing something no matter how big or how small on a daily basis that contributes to your goals because this is about creating habits and routines. 

‘Successes happen organically.’

'Make sure you are doing something no matter how big or how small on a daily basis that contributes to your goals because this is about creating habits and routines,' Canna said (pictured is an example of small savings she made by using a rewards card at the shops)

‘Make sure you are doing something no matter how big or how small on a daily basis that contributes to your goals because this is about creating habits and routines,’ Canna said (pictured is an example of small savings she made by using a rewards card at the shops)


These, Canna explained, are things we tend to neglect today but are very powerful in the future.

‘If we don’t invest time and care today there will be a lot of regret and remorse down the track,’ she said.

‘What I am talking about are your retirement savings accounts – the money that is set aside by you, your employee or your government that is going to help pay for your retirement. 

‘Remember, the more money you have in your retirement savings account hopefully the earlier you can retire and with greater financial security.

‘Pay attention today because the magic of compounding interest works best when you set it up as early as possible in life. Stop and take the time to look at where your retirement money is, whether it is all in the one account (because it should be) and  whether it is invested in the right way.’ 


What safety nets or strategies do you have in place that will catch you if you fall off your path? 

‘This might be something as simple as having some emergency money so if something happens out of the blue the problem is quarantined and you quickly get back on track,’ Canna said. 

‘What I am really talking about is insurances – personal insurances. Things like income protection so if you can’t work due to medical reasons a company will help cover part of your salary until you are able to go back to work. 

‘Or even something like a trauma policy so if you were to suddenly experience a serious illness or accident you will be paid a lump sum of money so you can focus on rehabilitation and recovery.’

‘Look at the snapshot from point one and see that your financial situation is improving and this will give you that fuel and purpose of direction to keep going,’ she said  


‘Stop and take the time and look at how you are tracking with the achievement of your financial goals,’ Canna said. 

‘Look at what is working, look at what you are enjoying doing, look at what needs to be tweaked or improved or changed or replaced. 

‘You need to be looking from a place of efficiency so you are putting in the minimal amount of energy for maximum gain and you want to really enjoy the process – this is why it is so important to set meaningful goals. 

‘Look at the snapshot from point one and see that your financial situation is improving and this will give you that fuel and purpose of direction to keep going.’ 


‘As you are achieving your goals, no matter how small, I want you to dare to dream and stretch yourself that little bit further,’ Canna said. 

‘I want you to be growing all the time so say you set a goal to pay off credit card debt and you have done that, take time to give yourself a pat on the back but then get back on the bandwagon and set yourself a new and even more exciting goal.’  

Canna suggested building some savings, building an investment portfolio or adding to retirement accounts.   

‘It is so important to keep evolving – don’t flat line through life. When you achieve, move on to the next one and don’t be afraid to dream big,’ she said.