Cardi B launches bizarre rant at Trump

Cardi B launches bizarre rant blaming Trump for ‘police brutality against black people’ and claiming that cops will think they can get away with ‘beating and killing’ African-American men until he leaves the White House

  • Cardi B blamed the president for perpetuating police brutality against black men
  • She accused Trump of not caring about black men who are assaulted by police
  • The rapper also compared him unfavorably to former president Barack Obama
  • Cardi B urged her followers to ‘get educated’ on the 2020 candidates

Cardi B has launched an extraordinary rant against Donald Trump in which she blamed the president for perpetuating a cycle of police brutality against black men.

The ‘I Like It’ rapper took to Instagram to unleash a blistering and bizarre stream of thought directed at the POTUS, comparing him unfavorably to former president Barack Obama.

In the minute-and-a-half clip, Cardi B says: ‘Every time I see a black man killed or mistreated by police I just keep saying ‘do nobody give a f***, does nobody care?’ 


Cardi B

The ‘I Like It’ rapper took to Instagram to unleash a blistering and at times bizarre stream of thought directed at the POTUS, comparing him unfavorably to former president Barack Obama

Cardi B compared the apparently cycle of police brutality to that of a naughty child who is allowed to get away with misbehaving and so continues to do so

Cardi B compared the apparently cycle of police brutality to that of a naughty child who is allowed to get away with misbehaving and so continues to do so

‘This n***** don’t give one s***,’ she said, directed at Trump. 

‘At least when Obama was president he released a statement letting us know he feeled [sic] it was wrong – letting us know that he cared.

‘I feel like police brutality is going to keep going until he’s [no longer] president.’ 

The rapper urged her followers to ‘get educated’ on the 2020 candidates in a bid to oust the current president.

Cardi B compared the apparently cycle of police brutality to that of a naughty child who is allowed to get away with misbehaving and so continues to do so.

‘When a kid is bad and they get away with something then they gonna keep on doing it,’ she added. 

‘That’s cops. [They think] I can get away with beating a black man, killing a black man. Then why not me?’ 

Trump has been criticized during his presidency for his failure to condemn violence against black people carried out by police, critics say. 

A series of race riots early in his administration involving civil rights activists and white nationalists set the tone after the president appeared to not differentiate between both sides. 

In April, Trump tried again to defend his 2017 remarks about racially driven violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Trump was asked about his declaration that there were ‘very fine people on both sides’ of a series of increasingly violent protests initially sparked by a decision to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee from a public park.

President Donald Trump defended his 2017 remarks about the deadly Charlottesville race riot, saying Friday that he was only praising as 'fine people' those who were trying to prevent the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee

President Donald Trump defended his 2017 remarks about the deadly Charlottesville race riot, saying Friday that he was only praising as ‘fine people’ those who were trying to prevent the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee

The 'Unite the Right' rally, organized by white supremacists, included a torch-light march that saw protesters chanting 'Jews will not replace us!'

The ‘Unite the Right’ rally, organized by white supremacists, included a torch-light march that saw protesters chanting ‘Jews will not replace us!’

The resulting clashes between white supremacists who organized a rally and counter-protesters ended with a woman’s death. Neo-Nazi James Fields was sentenced to life in prison in December for running over Heather Heyer with his car.

The debate over Trump’s remarks resurfaced after former Vice President Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign by condemning them in an online video.

Trump praised Lee as ‘one of the great generals’ when a reporter asked him to revisit his 2017 views as he left the White House for a speech to the National Rifle Association in Indianapolis. 

‘People were there protesting the taking down of the monument of Robert E. Lee. Everybody knows that,’ he said.

He mentioned the Lee statue in his remarks two years ago, but said there was ‘blame on both sides’ of the larger clash.

‘If you reported it accurately, you would say that the neo-Nazis started this thing,’ he told reporters at the time in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York City, but also said the racists ‘didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis.’

‘You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides. … I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of – to them – a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.’

The White House claimed then that Trump’s praise was limited to people who showed up in Charlottesville to argue for preserving the Lee statue.