Cardiff Dad renovates 45-year-old milk float due to demand

A milkman has seen such a surge in sales he has refurbished a 45-year-old milk float.

Mark Woodman, 56, has spent thousands refurbishing the milk float to meet demand – and it’s all thanks to the war on plastic waste. 

He set up Woodman’s Dairy in Rumney, Cardiff in 1983 after completing a degree in business.  

And demand is booming after the Prime Minister announced plans to eliminate plastic waste by 2042 – with Mark struggling to keep up with new customers wanting to ditch the supermarkets and get their milk delivered in glass bottles instead.

Mark Woodman, 56, has spent thousands refurbishing the milk float to meet demand – and it’s all thanks to the war on plastic waste

Mark set up Woodman's Dairy in Rumney, Cardiff in 1983 after completing a degree in business - he has now reopened the float

Mark set up Woodman’s Dairy in Rumney, Cardiff in 1983 after completing a degree in business – he has now reopened the float

War on Whitehall forks 

All plastic cups and cutlery will be banished from government buildings in Whitehall under plans outlined by Michael Gove.

The Environment Secretary will today commit to removing ‘all consumer single-use plastics’.

Last year the Mail revealed that the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has used at least 2.5 million throwaway plastic cups in the past five years. That is the equivalent of more than 1,200 water and coffee cups a day.

Incredibly, reusable cups were not even sold in the offices until civil servants received this newspaper’s Freedom of Information request and ordered some as a ‘trial’.

The father-of-four said: ‘This week and this last week we’ve been inundated with phone calls asking us if we deliver glass bottles.

‘We’ve had 50 to 100 people call in this week, with 30 to 40 new customers off the internet looking to cut down on their use of plastic.

‘It’s great for us – anything that gives us a bit of business back from the supermarkets is really good for us.’

The milkman says he has been undated with calls asking about glass bottles.

Demand is so high Mark has spent £3,000 refurbishing a 45-year-old milk float back to its original state which will now be used on the Rumney route in the city.

The recent announcement by Theresa May to scrap ‘all avoidable plastic waste’ will see supermarkets forced to remove plastic containers and wrappings from products.

The 25-year Environmental Plan will also pave the way for extra tax on single-use plastic items, such as takeaway tubs, as well as extending the 5p levy on carrier bags to all retailers. 

Demand is so high Mark has spent £3,000 refurbishing a 45-year-old milk float back to its original state which will now be used on the Rumney route in the city

Demand is so high Mark has spent £3,000 refurbishing a 45-year-old milk float back to its original state which will now be used on the Rumney route in the city

He says he is 'inundated with phone calls' asking us if we deliver glass bottles as people want to cut plastic use

He says he is ‘inundated with phone calls’ asking us if we deliver glass bottles as people want to cut plastic use

And Mark said it’s meant business is skyrocketing.

‘We’re having a real resurgence over the last couple of years,’ he said.

‘We’re up 30% over the last couple of years, and still a lot of people who are having their milk delivered.

‘We’re selling about 12,000 glass bottles a week.’

‘I used to have a lot of them,’ he said. ‘I used to have five at one time.’

But for Mark, it was also nostalgic to see the vehicle on the road again.

‘The round in Rumney, we’ve got enough business to warrant to use a float,’ he said. ‘But it’s also sentimental value. I still like them.’