Carlisle teen slams barbershop after £8 trim left him with BOWL CUT

An embarrassed teenager claims a barbershop left him with a bowl head haircut ‘worse than Jim Carey’s in Dumb and Dumber’.

Aiden Bowness, 17, needed to get his hair trimmed so he would look smart for a family party but his usual salon was shut last Tuesday afternoon.

So instead he went to Brazuca Gentry Grooming on Newtown Road in Carlisle, Cumbria, with an example picture in hand of the simple short back and sides that he wanted.

Aiden Bowness, 17, is pictured after his visit to Brazuca Gentry Grooming on Newtown Road in Carlisle, Cumbria, (left) and before the visit (right)

However despite paying £8 and the barber allegedly hacking away at his short locks for ‘almost an hour’, the teen claims he was left with a ‘do that looked like it had been trimmed around the edge of a bowl.

However shop owner Flamecia Santiago denies that her barber cut Aiden’s hair this way and suggested he must have cut his own hair after leaving the salon – and has now banned him.

Aiden was so mortified by the result that he refused to be seen outside with it and had to wear a hat to hide the ‘bowl head’ as he ventured back to his regular barber for it to be fixed the next day.

But the teen’s mother, outraged that he had paid for it in the first place, advised him to take photos of the offending do, which Aiden later shared on Facebook to warn others.

Despite paying £8 and the barber allegedly hacking away at his short locks for 'almost an hour', the teen claims he was left with a 'do that looked like it had been trimmed around a bowl

Despite paying £8 and the barber allegedly hacking away at his short locks for ‘almost an hour’, the teen claims he was left with a ‘do that looked like it had been trimmed around a bowl

Aiden said: ‘It looks like someone has used a bowl on it. It’s worse than Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber. I could probably do a better haircut with a bowl on it myself.

‘I had shown him the picture and I would have thought he would not need much more instructions from that. I thought this was a fairly straightforward haircut but it took them almost an hour.

‘The barber was struggling to speak English so when I went into detail about how I wanted it, he just kept saying OK, OK, but I think he just did whatever he wanted to do. He didn’t listen to what I wanted.

‘The barber had wet my hair to cut it and I asked for it to be dried but he said he did not have time. It was dry by the time I got home and that’s when I realised that it was not how I wanted it.

‘When I got home my mum noticed straight away. She was so annoyed. She said she couldn’t believe I had walked out with it like that and actually paid for it and had to pay more to get it fixed.

Aiden said: ‘It looks like someone has used a bowl on it. It’s worse than Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber. I could probably do a better haircut with a bowl on it myself

‘But I hadn’t wanted to cause a scene so I thought I would just go home and then I could try to sort it the next day.’

The next day Aiden had to go to his regular barbershop, which was now open, to get the ‘bowl head’ fixed, costing him a further £5.

Aiden, who is due to start apprenticeship in September doing groundwork, said: ‘They managed to fix it, but it is a lot shorter than I wanted it.

‘I don’t like it at all. I would wear a cap but it is too warm to wear one. But it is the best they could do.

 After the post went viral and was shared and liked more than 1,700 times, barbershop owner Flamecia began publicly rowing with him on social media

 After the post went viral and was shared and liked more than 1,700 times, barbershop owner Flamecia began publicly rowing with him on social media

‘My mum said that I should take a photo of it before I had it fixed to show people it and that they should not go there.

‘There is not a chance that I would go out with my hair how they left it. I wore a cap to go to the barbers. I would be very embarrassed.’

On Thursday Aiden shared images of his ‘bowl head’ cut on Facebook alongside the image that he claims he had taken into the store as guidance to show the dramatic difference.

His comment read: ‘Actually would not advise anyone go to Brazuca. Absolutely f***** my hair made me look like Jim Carey off Dumb and Dumber’.’

After the post went viral and was shared and liked more than 1,700 times, barbershop owner Flamecia began publicly rowing with him on social media.

Flamecia claimed Aiden must have cut his own hair that way after leaving her shop – though he responded: ‘Why would I cut my own hair that way? I’d rather cut my head off.’

On Thursday Aiden shared images of his 'bowl head' cut on Facebook alongside the image that he claims he had taken into the store as guidance to show the dramatic difference

On Thursday Aiden shared images of his ‘bowl head’ cut on Facebook alongside the image that he claims he had taken into the store as guidance to show the dramatic difference

She then said she had CCTV of Aiden being impolite and aggressive when instructing her barber how to cut his hair, which she offered to share if he gave permission.

When Aiden repeatedly asked her to share the footage, she then refused.

Aiden said: ‘I think they are making up a load of lies to cover their own back. I’m not that kind of person.

‘The barber was quite an intimidating person. If it had been my normal barbers I might have been more likely to say that I didn’t like what he had done.

‘But he was quite intimidating so I didn’t feel comfortable making a scene in front of other customers.

‘I did not cut my own hair.

‘Rather than private message me she just started publicly accusing me of being aggressive.

‘I wouldn’t go back there again, but then I’m banned from all of their salons now apparently.

‘I’m not that bothered – I only used it because I had to since the others were shut. It was a one time thing and I wouldn’t go back after what they have done.’

Owner Flamecia, who has four branches in Carlisle and one in Portugal, explained that she regularly has disputes like this erupt on Facebook but said it drives customers into the stop.

Flamecia said: ‘The barber refused to cut his hair any shorter because it can look not very nice. It’s very hard for a barber when someone says they want their hair like this.

‘[Aiden] persisted a lot that we cut his fringe shorter. He was very frustrated that we would not cut it any shorter.

Owner Flamecia, who has four branches in Carlisle and one in Portugal, explained that she regularly has disputes like this erupt on Facebook but said it drives customers into the stop

Owner Flamecia, who has four branches in Carlisle and one in Portugal, explained that she regularly has disputes like this erupt on Facebook but said it drives customers into the stop

‘He was not very polite when he was requesting things. His attitude was not very patient when speaking to the barbers which made me think he was just there to cause trouble.

‘Our barbers are all trained to deal with everybody of all ages, especially young kids who cannot explain themselves as well what they want [doing to their hair].

‘For some reason he has made comments like that [on Facebook] when he could have complained directly to me.

‘We have had complaints in the past like any business and we often give them a free haircut and so on. We do our best [to sort it].

‘I banned him because he was making false accusations. If it had been our problem I would have apologised to him on Facebook in front of everybody else and ask him to come back.

‘We have had complaints in the past but we apologised. Unfortunately it can happen sometimes that we misunderstand [what the client wants] but in this instance we could see that his fringe was long when he left.

‘It was not like that when he left. I think he could have cut his own hair. Or he has someone else cut it like that, I don’t know.

‘He’s 17 years old. He’s not a baby, he knows exactly what he wants. So he could have brought it up in the salon, he could have refused to pay straight away.

‘We have had times before when a client has said they are not happy with their haircut and we do not charge the client. We apologise and say that next time we will do a better job.’

However Flamecia explained that it is not unusual for the salon to be targeted by troublesome customers or to have ‘drama’ on social media.

One barber responded to Aiden and bragged that his complaint would be ‘free publicity’ and that he expected them to be ‘crazy busy’ after it.

While Flamecia conceded that the barber’s comments were not phrased correctly, she confirmed that after online ‘drama’ the barbershop does see a sudden influx of custom.

Flamecia said: ‘We do have people come into the salon quite often to cause trouble, I don’t know why.

‘I do not agree with [our barber’s] comment on Facebook [about it being free publicity], I don’t think he explained himself properly.

‘I think he was saying because every now and again people go on Facebook and slag my business off for whatever reason.

‘It seems every year I have a drama on Facebook. I don’t really have time for dramas and I don’t like that at all.

‘It’s just so much hassle. People just like to slag me off – next minute you see a 14-year-old call me names, even though they don’t know me.

‘But when things do go on Facebook like this, we do get busy. People do come in, they probably want to hear our side of the story or come to check us out for whatever reason but I do not want to go on Facebook all the time and have problems like this.

‘All of these people hate me for whatever reason, because I open salons, but at the end of the day I am just trying to expand my brand and maybe later on I might do a franchise.

‘We will try our best to make our clients happy but no business will make 100% of clients happy.’

Brazuca Gentry Grooming refused to provide the CCTV to reporters, citing data protection issues.