Cash-strapped NYC cabbie commits suicide after telling a friend ‘he didn’t know how to survive’.

Abdel Saleh, 59, was unable to make enough money to live, even driving his cab for 12 hours a day

A New York City cab driver was found dead in his apartment Friday – the sixth struggling cabbie to commit suicide in eight months.

Abdul Saleh, 59, a Yemeni immigrant who for 30 years spent 12 hours a day behind the wheel – was found hanged in his Brooklyn apartment.

‘He should have been planning for retirement and rest after 30 years of serving the public and the city, but instead he was exhausted by the cruelty of ending each 12-hour workday with less in his pocket than the day before,’ Bhairavi Desai, director of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, told the Daily News. 

Qamar Chaudhary, 36, who shared the cost of the taxi lease and medallion told the New York Post that Saleh was having trouble making his part of the payments.

‘He was short here and there, and I used to have to help him out. He said he didn’t know how to survive,’ he said.

Chaudhary, who has started driving for Uber, leaving Saleh without a driving partner, said he last spoke to him earlier this week. 

‘He sounded upset and depressed,’ Chaudhary told the Post. ‘He said he didn’t feel good.’

And on Friday, a roommate found him. He had hanged himself with an electrical cord. 

He was single, but had family back in Yemen. 

Saleh is the sixth cab driver to commit suicide in the face of the financial strain of driving a taxi in New York City. 

Cab drivers have been struggling, and many blame the rise of services like Uber and Lyft for taking their business.

New York City taxi drivers say there are too many cars on the street, from companies like Uber and Lyft, for them to make a living wage. 

New York City taxi drivers say there are too many cars on the street, from companies like Uber and Lyft, for them to make a living wage.