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All posts in: Health

‘Brain fog’ caused by Covid could be a result of how the virus affects a person’s spinal fluid

The development of memory loss and cognitive issues, often referred to as ‘brain fog’, as a result of Covid infection could be tied to the way the v... read more

Fauci says Pfizer vaccine could soon receive authorization for kids under the age of 5

Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said Wednesday that he expects the Food and Drug Administration to approve the Pfizer-BioNTe... read more

Covid UK: Black-Caribbean Britons are least likely to be triple-jabbed, latest figures show

Black-Caribbean people are the least likely ethnic group to have had a Covid booster vaccine in England, official data shows. Just a third of adults in the grou... read more

Daily Covid cases fall just 1.6% in a week as Omicron curve begins to level off

Britain’s daily Covid cases fell by a single percent in a week today in an early hint that the recent dramatic plunge in Omicron might be starting to leve... read more

Minister defends Government cancer record despite treatment delays and spiralling diagnostic waits

A health minister has defended the Government’s record on treating cancer despite data showing more Britons are waiting longer for urgent treatment than e... read more

Only 15 U.S. states have had daily Covid cases jump by 100% or more over the past two weeks

Covid case growth is starting to slow down nationwide as the U.S. finally reaches the peak of its winter Omicron surge. Cases have doubled over the past two wee... read more

SAGE admits Omicron hospitalisations aren’t near gloomy levels feared

SAGE has acknowledged that its terrifying Omicron hospital admission projections were off the mark — and it is now warning of a ‘long tail’ of inf... read more

CDC forecasts that daily Covid deaths in the US could drop 25% by early February

The CDC projects that anywhere between 9,800 to 35,700 deaths from Covid will occur in the U.S. during the week that ends on February 12. This means deaths coul... read more

Commuters face being told to wear and not wear masks at SAME train station

Boris Johnson’s mask U-turn descended into chaos today after TfL and rail firms issued conflicting orders and shoppers ditched face coverings early. The Prime... read more

Up to 60% of Covid ‘patients’ in London’s hospitals are not primarily being treated for the virus

Six in 10 hospitalised Covid ‘patients’ in London are now primarily being treated for other ailments, according to official statistics.  NHS Engl... read more

Obese women struggling to conceive are NOT more likely to get pregnant if they lose weight

Telling obese women to lose weight before trying to have children through fertility treatment may be pointless, research suggests. Very overweight women struggl... read more

Parents fight back after schools vowed to defy end of Plan B and force pupils to wear masks

Parents have launched a campaign to prevent ‘overzealous’ schools from imposing masks in schools after teaching unions threatened to derail Boris Johnson’... read more

UK Covid cases are down by a fifth in a week and falling in every age group except under-18s

Britain’s Covid cases are down by a fifth in a week and falling in every age group except the under-18s, according to the country’s largest symptom-... read more

Walking slowly could be a sign you’re destined to suffer heart failure, researchers say

Fast walkers are less likely to suffer heart failure than dawdlers, research suggests. Scientists at Brown University in Rhode Island, tracked the health of 25,... read more

Skin Care Secrets for Healthier Looking Skin

Many people want to have healthy-looking skin that radiates from the inside out. Some see glowing skin as an indication of good health; others are only interest... read more

Cannabis can slow your reactions months after smoking it, study claims

Using cannabis can worsen memory, concentration and decision-making, another study claims University of Montreal researchers found cannabis also damages memory... read more

How To Become A Medical Director in 2022

There are numerous different career pathways that can be taken in the Australian medical profession. If you’ve trained to become a qualified doctor (or you ar... read more

Binge-watching TV in middle-age may raise the risk of blood clots by a THIRD, study suggests

Binge-watching TV in middle-age may raise the risk of blood clots by a THIRD, study suggests… and experts say you should ‘stand and stretch’ e... read more

Antibiotic-resistant superbugs killed 1.2MILLION people in 2019 – more than HIV or malaria

Antibiotic-resistant infections directly killed 1.2million people in 2019, according to the largest study of its kind that lays bare the growing threat of super... read more

Leading doctors’ publication The BMJ slams Facebook for censoring its report

Dr Kamran Abbasi — editor of the British Medical Journal — slammed Facebook for ‘censoring’ its report into allegations of malpractice during ... read more

Clunky plaster casts really ARE best for broken bones, study finds

Clunky plaster casts really ARE best for broken bones, study finds Study finds no difference in using metal pins or plaster cast to heal broken wrist Experts tr... read more

Rate of false positives among rapid Covid tests is ‘very low’

The likelihood of receiving a false positive after taking a rapid antigen Covid test is extremely low, accounting for les than 0.1 percent of total tests, a new... read more

Daily Covid cases are now falling in seven U.S. states as Omicron surge recedes

Covid is showing more signs of receding across the U.S., with rampant case growth in much of the nation showing signs of finally slowing. Last week, almost ever... read more

Health campaigners have called for a minimum price per unit to be introduced in England

Health campaigners have today repeated their calls for England to adopt minimum alcohol pricing. It comes after a new study found the biggest drinkers bought mo... read more