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All posts in: Health

US Covid deaths are up to 2,259 per day as figure continues to climb despite declining cases

Covid deaths in the U.S. are on the rise, and are approaching worrying levels not reached since the tale end of last winter’s surge – which is still... read more

Two Pfizer or Moderna vaccines HALVE the risk of getting ‘long Covid’, official UK data shows

Getting vaccinated against Covid can halve your risk of suffering long Covid, real-world UK data suggests. A study of 6,000 people found those double-jabbed wit... read more

UK Covid deaths HAVE peaked at around 255 per day, official data shows

Britain’s fourth wave of Covid deaths peaked in mid-January, according to official figures that debunk fears over ‘soaring’ fatalities.  The ... read more

High street pharmacies will offer in store births, boob jobs and liposuction ‘within a DECADE’

Pharmacies could become ‘one-stop shops’ for healthcare within the next decade under ambitious new plans to alleviate pressure on the NHS.  The Ali... read more

Walking for just an extra 10 MINUTES each day could add years to your life, scientists say

Walking for just an extra 10 MINUTES each day could add years to your life, scientists say Increasing older adults’ activity by 10 minutes a day could cut... read more

Sajid Javid hints that controversial ‘no jab, no job’ rule for NHS staff in England is under review 

Sajid Javid hints that controversial ‘no jab, no job’ Covid rule for NHS staff in England is under review Sajid Javid suggested plans to force all ... read more

Men with BRCA2 fault are at DOUBLE the risk of developing disease, study suggests 

Now ‘Jolie-type gene’ is linked to prostate cancer: Men with BRCA2 fault are at DOUBLE the risk of developing disease, study suggests Men who carry ... read more

Changing diet good as statins for busting cholesterol, research claims

Drinking and eating specially-formulated ‘healthy’ snacks could be just as good at lowering cholesterol as statins, a small study suggests. Research... read more

Dr MICHAEL MOSLEY: How brunch can be your main meal of the day

Many people believe long-term weight loss is next to impossible; I have heard over and over again that 99 per cent of diets fail and people on them end up as fa... read more

Mayo Clinic Expert predicts COVID-19 will be around until NEXT CENTURY 

Dr Gregory Poland (pictured), a top epidemiologist at the Mayo Clinic, warned Covid could be with humans for so long that ‘your great-great-great-grandchi... read more

Covid vaccines do NOT affect fertility in women who go through IVF or conceive naturally

Coronavirus jabs do not affect a woman’s ability to conceive a child, another study suggests.   Researchers in New York monitored more than 2,000 women ... read more

Health Secretary Sajid Javid rules out delay to National Insurance tax hike

Health Secretary Sajid Javid tonight ruled out any delay to the April tax grab for the NHS, despite growing calls to delay the controversial rise.   Mr Javid ... read more

Covid deaths are lower during the Omicron wave than the Delta wave despite a 400% increase in cases

Omicron really is less deadly than Delta or prior COVID variants, new CDC research has confirmed, with deaths down 45 per cent compared to winter 2020, despite ... read more

Daily Covid cases and deaths remain flat but hospital admissions plunge again

The UK’s daily Covid cases and deaths remained flat today as the fourth wave continues to plateau — but hospital admissions fell for the 10th day in a r... read more

Pfizer begins clinical trials for Omicron-specific COVID-19 vaccine

Pfizer, and its partner BioNTech, have started clinical trials for a new COVID-19 vaccine that is specifically targeted at the Omicron variant, which they say c... read more

Debilitating foot pain ‘could be treated by using fat injections’

People with debilitating foot pain could be treated with injections of their own belly fat, a study suggests.    Chronic plantar fasciitis — inflammation ar... read more

‘Snake oil’ genetic tests to produce designer babies do not work, experts claim

‘Snake oil’ genetic tests marketed to produce ‘designer babies’ do not work, experts claimed today.  Some fertility clinics in the US h... read more

Routine eye tests can flag up people at risk of suffering a heart attack

Why you really SHOULD go to Specsavers: Routine eye tests can flag up people at risk of suffering a heart attack in the next year, experts say Scientists traine... read more

Blood plasma from Covid survivors ‘DOES help seriously ill patients’

Giving hospitalised Covid patients blood plasma transfusions from virus survivors may cut their risk of dying after all, scientists now say.  Medics had hoped ... read more

Getting infected after getting Covid triggers ‘super-immunity’

Fully-vaccinated people who catch Covid end up with ‘super immunity’, scientists have claimed. Oregon Health and Science University experts say the ... read more

Covid continues to retreat across the US as cases slump 5% in a fortnight

The slowing of Covid cases is continuing in the U.S., with cases now down five percent nationwide over the past two weeks, and it is starting to appear that mid... read more

BA.2 is now more prevalent than Delta, data shows

A version of Omicron that is harder to track is growing quickly in England and is now more common than Delta. Just a few hundred cases of BA.2 have been detecte... read more

Woman, 25, whose symptoms were dismissed by doctors discovers that she has stage-four cancer

A woman whose health concerns were allegedly dismissed as piles because she looked ‘young and healthy’ is now facing the possibility of death after ... read more

Covid: Chinese scientists say DNA suggests Omicron variant originated in MICE?

Did Omicron originate in MICE? Researchers say analysis suggests extremely-transmissible variant evolved in rodents before jumping back to humans Chinese scient... read more