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All posts in: Health

London’s roads today are the BUSIEST since Plan B came in

Britain’s daily Covid cases plunged for the 12th day in a row today as the fourth wave continued to collapse and workers headed back to offices in their l... read more

Climate change is sparing 30,000 lives every winter

Global warming is currently saving the lives of tens of thousands of Brits every year, an illuminating official report has suggested. Around 27,000 fewer people... read more

Covid deaths increase 36% and hospitalizations are up 60% over the past two weeks in US

Deaths caused by Covid in the United States are continuing to rise, with the 1,839 Americans succumbing to the virus every day being a 36 percent increase over ... read more

Covid outbreaks now shrinking in 96% of England’s neighbourhoods

Coronavirus cases are now falling in virtually every area of England, official figures show as the Omicron wave continues to collapse with deaths six times lowe... read more

SAGE adviser hopes UK will have a ‘flu-type’ relationship with Covid by 2023

Dr Mike Tildesley, who sits on an influential modelling sub-group of SAGE, warned the country ‘was not there yet’ because hospitalisation levels fro... read more

Impotent man’s partner accidentally deploys insulation foam inside his urethra during sex act

An American man may never be able to use his penis again after his partner accidentally sprayed expanding foam up his urethra in a sex act gone wrong.  The 45-... read more

Millions of people drink up to FIFTY units a week after alcohol consumption soared during Covid

Lockdown has turned Britain to the drink: Millions of people are now drinking up to FIFTY units a week after alcohol consumption soared during pandemic, new res... read more

Two vaccine doses and a prior infection provides 90% protection against Covid for more than a YEAR

Two vaccine doses and a previous infection provides 90% protection against Covid for more than a YEAR, new study suggests Two vaccine doses and a previous Covid... read more

One in five people try dentistry at home including pulling out their own TEETH, report shows 

One in five people try dentistry at home including pulling out their own TEETH amid staff crisis at surgeries, report shows Report reveals millions of Britons a... read more

The Ultimate Guide to Acupuncture Treatment: Risks and Benefits

Acupuncture is a 2,000-year-old healing art first practiced by the Chinese. This ancient technique has come a long way since 1971. The Food and Drug Administrat... read more

Dental Veneer: Can Lithium Disilicate Glass-ceramic Be Applied?

The unsightly appearance of teeth stems from a wide spectrum of causes. Some of these include poor dental hygiene, smoking, genetics, drinking certain beverages... read more

PROFESSOR GUY LESCHZINER: How to banish your insomnia without pills

In yesterday’s Daily Mail, in the first part of an exclusive series about how to beat insomnia, renowned consultant neurologist and sleep expert Professor... read more

What happens to the 500,000 people who are still shielding?

Debbie Carol has left her house twice in 22 months – once for a hospital visit, and once to get married. The 69-year-old former college lecturer from London h... read more

EVE SIMMONS: Is my Covid saga proof we should stop testing ourselves all the time?

It started with the faintest itch at the back of my throat, the Wednesday before last. As a health reporter, I’ve been writing about Covid for almost two year... read more

Why there are times a woman really should demand to see a female doctor

After all she has endured at the hands of male doctors, Jean Hatchet couldn’t be clearer. ‘If there was a man and a woman, each similarly qualified ... read more

Seek-and-destroy drug brings new hope to fight against melanoma

Melanoma skin cancer patients will soon be able to get a ‘striking’ new drug treatment on the NHS that turbo-boosts their immune system. The drug is... read more

Jabs to reverse Love Island lip fillers could leave your daughter disfigured for LIFE

Too much lip filler makes you look like a duck – so chimes the voiceover, rather bluntly, of one advert. ‘The good news is, it’s simple to undo.&#... read more

DR ELLIE CANNON: How do I get rid of dreadful pins and needles in my hand?

About two months ago, I started developing pins and needles in my left hand. It’s usually worst in the morning, when I wake up, when it’s accompanied by num... read more

FDA called to lift restrictions on gay and bisexual men donating blood during ‘crisis’

There is mounting pressure on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to replace a rule that prevents some ... read more

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Why vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity

Two years have passed since Covid-19 erupted onto the global stage, disrupting our lives and killing more than 5.5 million people worldwide. And it’s just ove... read more

Just 13% of Covid infected people now lose their smell or taste

Omicron’s mildness has changed the symptoms of Covid, analysis by Government scientists has suggested.  Britons who catch the virus are now 80 per cent m... read more

CDC reduces recommended time between second shot of Pfizer vaccine and booster from to five months

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has cut the recommended time between receival of the second shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine and a... read more

UK’s daily Covid cases dip below 100,000 for first time since before Christmas

Daily UK Covid cases dropped below 100,000 for the first time in weeks today as infections fell for the ninth day in a row — but SAGE modellers are already wa... read more

Covid cases are now dropping in EVERY region of England as rates finally turn around in North East 

Covid cases have now peaked in every region of England, official data now shows in more proof that the worst of the Omicron outbreak is over.  Daily infections... read more