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All posts in: Health

Six squares of dark chocolate a day ‘may keep the memory loss at bay’

Six squares of dark chocolate a day ‘may keep the memory loss at bay’ – as long as you wash it down with a cup of green tea, apples and berrie... read more

Fungal outbreak from Mexico could be declared international emergency by World Health Organization

US health bosses are calling for a deadly fungal outbreak linked to cut-price plastic surgeries in Mexico to be declared an international health emergency. So f... read more

Alzheimer’s can be detected using blood test, ‘game-changing’ study finds

Prick of the bunch: Blood test can predict who’ll develop Alzheimer’s disease, ‘game-changing’ study suggests By Dailymail.Com Health Te... read more

Fat people now officially a protected group in NYC after Eric Adams signs discrimination law

Obese people are now officially a protected group in New York City after Mayor Eric Adams signed a controversial discrimination law. A new bill signed last Fr... read more

You might want to sit down for this: Urologist claims men have been peeing the wrong way all along

You might want to sit down for this: Urologist claims men have been peeing the wrong way all along Urologist Dr Gerald Collins has claimed that sitting down to ... read more

Simple home purchase could cut your risk of cancer…

Filling your home with plants could cut your risk of developing cancer, a study suggests. Scientists in Sydney, Australia, found that house plants can remove to... read more

Lockerbie bomber survived 3 more years after getting cancer drug denied to NHS

The man behind the worst terrorist attack in UK history survived for years despite a terminal cancer diagnosis thanks to drug initially denied to Brits, a new b... read more

Huge audit reveals Britain’s biscuits can be more calorific than a cheeseburger

Name Calories Sainsbury’ss Belgian Milk Chocolate Cookies, Taste the Difference 338 Sainsbury’s Chunky Belgian Chocolate Shortbread Taste Difference... read more

Why you SHOULDN’T feel guilty for scratching your partner’s car when you split up

Wronged wives getting a divorce should not feel guilty if they scratch their partner’s car or cut their clothes up, according to a dating expert. These ar... read more

Inside TikTok’s newest trend horrifying nutritionists… the ‘Hot Pickle’

Health experts have warned about a viral TikTok trend which involves eating super spicy pickles straight from the packet.  The hot pickle challenge sees people... read more

EXCL:’s guide to quitting vaping… and why it’s so much harder than cigarettes 

The popularity of e-cigarettes has reached stratospheric levels in a relatively short period of time, entrapping more than 10 million Americans in nicotine addi... read more

Almost a QUARTER of mothers claim poor NHS maternity care left them or their baby in danger

Almost a QUARTER of mothers claim poor NHS maternity care left them or their baby in danger By Hannah Mcdonald For Mailonline Updated: 09:52 BST, 29 May 2023 Al... read more

Say goodbye to arthritis pain with CBD-infused balm

‘Calms my pain within MINUTES’: Shoppers swear by this £30 ‘life-changing’ CBD-infused balm for rapid relief from debilitating arthriti... read more

Man gets deodorant can removed from his stomach after shoving it up his bum

Man, 30, needs deodorant can surgically removed from his stomach after it got lost when he shoved it up his bum By Stephen Matthews Health Editor For Mailonline... read more

How ancient Chinese technique can help improve your walking speed, posture and flexibility

Want to remain healthy as you get older? Just swing your arms! How an ancient Chinese technique can help improve your walking speed, posture and flexibility and... read more

Half a million hospital appointments to be slashed each year to reduce NHS waiting list.

Half a MILLION hospital appointments will be slashed each year in a bid to reduce the NHS waiting list: GPs, opticians and clinics will be asked to carry out fu... read more

NHS bosses could be set for a summer of chaos as doctors’ union hints that pay offers aren’t enough

NHS bosses are braced for a summer of chaos after union leaders suggested a 50 per cent pay hike would not be enough to stop senior doctors from striking. In co... read more

Supplements have NO health benefits and are simply a money-making scheme, top scientist claims

Supplements have NO health benefits and are simply a money-making scheme, top scientist claims, urging people to buy ‘real food’ and eat a mostly pl... read more

Is America’s falling fertility rate caused by the overprescription of antidepressants?

America’s plummeting fertility rate may be linked to the over-prescription of antidepressants, experts have warned.  Since becoming widespread in the 19... read more

Doctors issue warning about over-the-counter antifungal spray that can cause FROSTBITE

A woman in Michigan was left with frostbite after using a common spray to treat her athlete’s foot. The 67-year-old, who was not named, used $8-a-canniste... read more

Ever feel like you’re falling in your sleep? Here’s how to STOP it

Just as you’re drifting off to a peaceful sleep, you’re rudely awoken by a sudden jolt and panic.   Although it really felt like you were plummeti... read more

Shocking death toll after NHS medics mix-up patients’ food and air tubes over last five years  

Revealed: 28 NHS patients have died after bungling hospital staff wrongly looped patients’ feeding tubes into their lungs EXCLUSIVE:  145 incidents recor... read more

DIY athlete’s foot cures could cause burns – and even raise cancer risk

Patients resorting to alternative remedies to treat painful athlete’s foot risk suffering rashes, lung problems and even cancer, experts have warned. In l... read more

DR ELLIE CANNON: Why can’t anything help shift the cough I’ve had for years?

I have had a cough for years. It’s there, to some extent, nearly every day. Mostly it’s dry but occasionally it’s so severe it feels like I... read more