Cat’s mutilated body found scattered around Sacramento

A California woman is advising people to keep an eye on their pets after she found her own cat mutilated and left for dead with its body parts scattered around her neighborhood.

Georgia Israel from Sacramento was the owner of 10-year-old Cookie.

She had assumed that her pet was wandering around the streets as usual last Monday and that it was likely hiding in the back yard. 

But after she hadn’t seen the cat for three days she started to grow worried.

Cookie, a 10-year-old cat, was found dismembered and scattered across a Sacramento neighborhood

Cookie the cat had his eyes gouged out and his body had been sliced in two

Cookie the cat had his eyes gouged out and his body had been sliced in two

The cats limbs were strewn all over the place and it looked as though it was deliberate

The cats limbs were strewn all over the place and it looked as though it was deliberate

The cat's head and legs were found strewn about the neighborhood in bushes

The cat’s head and legs were found strewn about the neighborhood in bushes

Her fears grew after a neighbor posted online about how she had found some cats body parts in her neighborhood.

A cat’s leg had been discovered in some bushes, while a head and second leg were found in the street. 

Georgia contacted the resident who then proceeded to send her extremely graphic photos of the dismembered cat. 

‘I knew the second that I saw the pictures, you couldn’t deny it,’ Israel told Fox 40. 

‘The eyes had been gouged out,’ she said.

‘My cat was tortured and killed sometime between Monday morning and Tuesday morning. I live 1 block inside of Sacramento however her body parts were found 1/2 in Carmichael at Jacob and American River drive,’ Georgia wrote on her Facebook page. ‘

Please keep your ears open in case your child hears about kids bragging about it at school. I live in a neighborhood that has 3 schools within walking distance of my house. RIP Cookie’.

The cat was so mutilated, initially Sacramento County Animal Control Services told Georgia they didn't believe it was killed by another animal, but now they believe it was a coyote

Georgia is seen in a Facebook photo

The cat was so mutilated, initially Sacramento County Animal Control Services told Georgia they didn’t believe it was killed by another animal, but now they believe it was a coyote

Georgia aired her shock and upset at the discovery the attack might have been deliberate 

Georgia aired her shock and upset at the discovery the attack might have been deliberate 

Initially, Sacramento County Animal Control Services say that the cat was so mutilated that it was unlikely to have been killed by another animal however they have since change their tune and have now said they believe the cat was killed by a coyote. 

Sacramento County says coyotes have been spotted in the area and have been known to leave the limbs of their prey behind.

‘I’ve confirmed we are investigating this, though the initial assessment is this may be the work of coyotes, not people,’ said Janna Haynes with Sacramento County. ‘We have had a similar situation and it was coyotes in that situation.’ 

Still, it is not what Georgia believes: ”The body was laid out on display to get somebody’s attention,’ she said. 

‘Again I can see now that animal control wants to say it was an animal however these were deliberate cuts. There also would have been teeth marks which there wasn’t.

‘I feel like they are trying to cover they behinds because everyone who saw the pictures and saw it in person could tell that this is not the work of an animal. And since there has been two others displayed in this manner in our neighborhood def sounds more like a human.’

‘It definitely didn’t look like your normal, everyday cat got run over by a car’ fellow resident Christina Bond said.

She remembers telling her husband she didn’t think it was roadkill.

‘Finding out there were body parts elsewhere was … that’s not OK,’ Bond said.