As people are starting to better understand cannabis-based products, their popularity is on the rise. And not only among humans. Nowadays, CBD is widely accepted as the go-to compound for almost any issue that our dogs, as well as other pets, may experience. It helps with a wide variety of symptoms related to all kinds of health problems. In addition to that, it keeps healthy dogs healthy. Since this is something we all want, visit this page to find useful tips on dogs’ health.
However, people are still getting familiar with this product, which means that they have a lot of questions on their minds at all times. And although CBD is still being extensively studied and researched, there are already answers to most of the questions you might have. With the aim of helping you understand CBD based products, I have put together a list of most frequently asked questions. Let’s check them out and try to answer them.
- Is Hemp The Same As Marijuana?
The word “hemp” always pops up when the topic of CBD is in question. You probably know that this is a cannabis plant, which makes you wonder if this is essentially just another word for marijuana. And, if it isn’t, you would like to know what the difference is. Since you’re hearing a lot about how marijuana is harmful to animals, you don’t want to risk giving it to your dog unknowingly. So, let’s get to the bottom of this.
We all know that the psychoactive compound found in marijuana is THC. That is the part of the plant responsible for making people high. Hemp plant differs from marijuana because it contains less than 1% of THC. Unlike marijuana, hemp is actually considered a superfood and the cannabinoids found in it are accepted as antioxidants and neuroprotectants. Cannabidiol is just one among many useful cannabinoids found in this plant.
Learn about a few more cannabinoids here:
- So, Does That Mean That CBD Won’t Get My Dog High?
Yes, you got this one right. CBD is a completely different compound than THC. And the products made for both human and animal consumption are, obviously, made from CBD, and not THC. In other words, as they don’t contain THC, these products are not psychoactive and they cannot get your dog high. They will, though, have a calming effect, which is a great thing if your canine is in pain, or suffers from certain anxiety disorders.
- Is CBD For Humans The Same As The One For Dogs?
Above, I have mentioned that both the products for human and for animal consumption are made from the same compound. That has probably made you wonder whether those products are essentially the same in all aspects. The answer is no. While the CBD products made for dogs are generally regarded as completely safe for humans as well, the truth is that they are made specifically for animals. This is especially correct for dog treats made from this compound. Therefore, I suggest that you and your canine use different products.
- Can My Dog Overdose On CBD?
We have already explained that these products have no psychoactive effects and that they are perfectly safe for your furry friends. Now, here’s something important we need to add to this explanation. Your pup definitely cannot overdose on CBD. This means you can administer the product freely and without any such worries.
However, you should still consult an expert, or find instructions on the proper dosage at the Holistapet info webpage, or a similar site. But, the worst thing that can happen if you give your animal too much CBD is really not that bad. They can either get a bit sleepy until the effect has worn off, or they can get diarrhea. In any case, none of these side effects are a reason to panic.
- How Long Do I Need To Wait To See Its Effects?
This question is not that easily answered, since it depends on numerous factors, such as your pup’s symptoms and the dosage you are administering. On top of that, different products contain different amounts of CBD, which is also a significant aspect to consider. What I can tell you, though, is that it might work in 10 minutes, or it may take as much as an hour or two to kick in. Any longer than that would mean that you need to increase the dose a little bit.
- Where Can I Buy It?
Finding a place to buy CBD is not that difficult today. There are many places online where you can order your product. However, it’s not advisable to shop just anywhere. What I suggest you do is find a trustworthy and reputable supplier by doing a bit of research. And once you have found the one you can trust, stick with them.
- I Know We’re Talking About Dogs, But Can I Give This To My Other Pets?
Absolutely! All the animals that have an endocannabinoid system can benefit from these products. This includes your cats, horses, bunnies and more. The endocannabinoid system is found in all mammals, but if you still want to check and don’t want to risk it, I suggest you turn to a veterinarian for help and explanations. That way, you can get your peace of mind by making sure that you aren’t harming your animal in any possible way.