CCTV footage shows how quickly chest of drawers can fall on a child 

  • Footage from this clip shows how easily unsecured furniture can topple 
  • A toddler can be seen playing with a large chest of drawers unsupervised
  • If the drawers had landed on the child this would have been a serious accident

A shocking video showing how quickly a piece of unsecured furniture can topple on to a child has emerged – and it comes as a timely warning to all parents.

The CCTV clip captures the terrifying moment a large chest of drawers becomes unbalanced and almost crushes a toddler beneath.

Just seconds before, the child can be seen playing with the drawers in a playroom – sliding each one in and out.


Video has emerged showing the moment a heavy set of drawers becomes unbalanced and almost crushes a toddler beneath 

Just moments before, the child can be seen playing with the drawers in a playroom - sliding each one in and out  

Just moments before, the child can be seen playing with the drawers in a playroom – sliding each one in and out  

The child, along with another, appears to be playing unsupervised.

When the chest of drawers topples, the toddler only narrowly escapes what could have been a very serious accident.

The child doesn’t appear to have suffered any injuries and is checked on by a woman within seconds of the event taking place.

The video shows how easily furniture that’s not properly secured can become a potentially serious hazard around small children. 

In Australia, at least 22 children under the age of nine have died from toppling furniture or televisions since 2001. Children under three are at the greatest risk.

Safety tips to prevent serious injuries: 

*  Attach, mount, bolt or secure furniture to walls and floors

* Secure televisions to the wall

* Remove any toys or other attractions from high to reach places

* Do not place unstable furniture near where children play 

* Put locking devices on all drawers to prevent children opening them and using them as steps 


Falling furniture can not only strike a child but can trap and crush them underneath, causing the child to suffocate. 

Homesafe Kids advises parents to always be aware that furniture or ornaments with unstable bases can be easily pulled over if not properly secured.

It explained toddlers at some stage of their development will want to climb which can make shelving particularly hazardous.

If shelving is not stable, parents are advised to consider bracketing it to the wall and to make sure any items such as favourite toys aren’t on top of furniture that could encourage children to climb up and reach for them.
