CFA captain made White Ribbon Day post days before hazing

A fire brigade captain posted an anti-violence against women message online days before a 17-year-old volunteer was shockingly ‘hazed’ in his station.

Hayden Allen was one of four officers at the Eaglehawk Country Fire Association brigade in Victoria stood down after CCTV of the incident surfaced.

The 28-year-old stood by while the teenage girl was thrown to the floor, kicked with steel cap boots, and dragged by her hair by male firefighters.

Country Fire Association captain Hayden Allen posted this anti-violence against women message online days before a 17-year-old volunteer was shockingly ‘hazed’ in his station

He eventually broke up the two-minute ordeal, but then pointed at the girl and appeared to scold her as she tried to fix her clothes. 

Just three days earlier, Mr Allen added a White Ribbon Day filter to his Facebook profile picture of himself in his CFA uniform.

‘I will stand up, speak out and act to prevent men’s violence against women,’ he wrote.

The ‘hazing’ occurred on November 27 but didn’t come to light until the footage was found by another volunteer and reported.

It has since drawn widespread disgust from CFA bosses and politicians, but Victorian Police said no offences were committed and the girl didn’t pursue charges.

A 17-year-old girl was thrown to the floor and dragged by her hair in a shocking 'hazing' by her fellow volunteer firefighters, including local captain Hayden Allen (pictured)

A 17-year-old girl was thrown to the floor and dragged by her hair in a shocking ‘hazing’ by her fellow volunteer firefighters, including local captain Hayden Allen (pictured)

He made a Facebook post thanking friends for their support and saying his name had been 'tarnished throughout the media' over the incident

He made a Facebook post thanking friends for their support and saying his name had been ‘tarnished throughout the media’ over the incident

Mr Allen then made a Facebook post thanking friends for their support and saying his name had been ‘tarnished throughout the media’ over the incident.

‘Please understand that I can not make comment on the allegations that have been accused. But like all things there is two sides to every story and unfortunately we just have to ride the wave,’ he wrote.

The 28-year-old sales rep for tool manufacturer Wurth Australia joined the CFA 15 years ago, following the example of other family members.

His CFA bio lists his favourite thing about the organisation as its ‘family atmosphere’, and called it ‘one of the best things you will ever do’.

‘Some brigades love having young members, for others it is a taboo. So how do we balance this within CFA?’ he told a CFA youth forum last year.

He said young people were often challenged and frustrated by ‘the pace of getting things done’.  

 Mr Allen, a 28-year-old sales rep for tool manufacturer Wurth Australia, joined the CFA 15 years ago, following the example of other family members

 Mr Allen, a 28-year-old sales rep for tool manufacturer Wurth Australia, joined the CFA 15 years ago, following the example of other family members

The hazing began when the girl got out of a fire engine with her colleagues and playfully tapped a man in his 20s on the back – only to be grabbed by the throat.

She was slammed to the ground headfirst and pinned to the concrete floor as another firefighter kicked her with steel-cap boots on November 27.

The teenager was allowed to stand up but then grabbed by her hair and dragged before she was pushed down and dragged by her legs under a fire engine.

The men then activated the truck’s sprinklers which soaked her – all while a group of men, including her brother and another teenager, watched on and cheered.

Mr Allen walked in part way through the two-minute ordeal before walking away without saying anything, then later returned to break it up.

He then pointed at the girl and appeared to scold her as she tried to fix her clothes.

Emergency Services Minister James Merlino said the ‘graphic footage’ ‘appalling’ and clearly not in line with community expectations.

Emergency Services Minister James Merlino said the 'graphic footage' 'appalling' and clearly not in line with community expectations

Emergency Services Minister James Merlino said the ‘graphic footage’ ‘appalling’ and clearly not in line with community expectations

‘You have a couple of individuals, men, perpetrating this, whilst other men are standing around looking at it. It is disgusting,’ he said.

‘It is being immediately investigated as is appropriate. As minister for Emergency Services and as a parent, I am disgusted that a 17-year-old girl has been treated in this way.’ 

CFA chief executive Frances Diver also slammed the ‘hazing’ and said the attack and was referred to Victoria Police.

‘That footage shows a young girl, a 17-year-old girl, getting out of a truck with a group of men, mostly middle-aged men,’ she told 3AW on Wednesday.

‘They engage in physical behaviour with the woman, dragging her across the floor, pushing her over, holding her down and harming her. They did wet her with the fine spray of a truck.’

Ms Diver said she was ‘sickened’ by the footage and has been in touch with the girl and her family, who do not want to take it further.

‘She’s a young girl, she lives in a small town, it would be humiliating,’ Ms Diver said.

But she referred the matter to police because she believed what she saw could constitute a criminal offence.

A full investigation has been launched by CFA, but the young girl does not appear to be pressing charges and police have closed their investigation (stock image)

A full investigation has been launched by CFA, but the young girl does not appear to be pressing charges and police have closed their investigation (stock image)

However, Victoria Police told Daily Mail Australia there was no criminal act in the video.

‘Bendigo Crime Investigation Unit detectives have been made aware of some footage taken at an Eaglehawk Fire Station on 27 November,’ she said. 

‘Victoria Police has investigated the matter. No formal complaint has been made and no offence has been detected. The matter is now complete.’

Ms Driver said the CFA would undertake an independent investigation to determine exactly what is going on in that brigade that allowed that behaviour to continue.

‘One of the most disturbing parts of the footage is that not only did one or two individuals engage in that behaviour, but a group of people stood by and watched,’ she said.

‘I am horrified at the idea that a young girl has been brutalised in that way.

‘I’ve got parents that are sending their kids into junior brigades… and I need to provide some assurance to those parents that we are taking this seriously.’

Four members who were immediately identified have been suspended and others are being questioned.

CFA chief executive Frances Diver said she was 'sickened' by the footage and has been in touch with the girl and her family, who do not want to take it further

CFA chief executive Frances Diver said she was ‘sickened’ by the footage and has been in touch with the girl and her family, who do not want to take it further

Victoria Police told Daily Mail Australia there was no criminal act in the video 

Victoria Police told Daily Mail Australia there was no criminal act in the video 

A spokesperson for CFA told Daily Mail Australia the four suspended members were volunteers, and would remain off duty pending a full investigation. 

‘CFA leadership was recently advised of an incident that occurred at the Eaglehawk Brigade on November 27,’ they said.

‘Since being notified, we have taken immediate steps to deal with this issue, including standing down those allegedly involved in the incident, including the captain of the brigade. 

‘CFA will also be reviewing the incident with the intention of addressing any underlying cultural issues in this brigade.

‘CFA is adamant that it will not tolerate inappropriate behaviour, we are committed to making the organisation more inclusive. 

‘Any behaviour that is not consistent with our values and doesn’t meet reasonable community standards will not be accepted within the organisation.’