Channel Seven airs raunchy sex scenes in midday movie Petals on the Wind

Afternoon delight! Channel Seven surprises viewers by airing raunchy sex scenes during lunchtime movie Petals on the Wind

  • Seven aired the raunchy sex scenes during its 12pm movie on Thursday
  • The film, 2014’s Petals On The Wind, features several sexually suggestive scenes
  • The Lifetime original movie also includes incest themes
  • Australian commercial television Code of Practice states that material classified M can be aired between 12pm and 3pm on school days

Australia’s free-to-air midday television slot usually features talk show re-runs, cooking programs and family-friendly content.

But on Thursday, Channel Seven instead chose to air 2014 Lifetime movie Petals on the Wind, which features several raunchy sex scenes.

The thriller, which includes an incestuous relationship between a brother and sister, began screening at 12pm.

Surprisingly, it doesn’t appear to breach the commercial television Code of Practice.


Afternoon delight! Channel Seven surprised viewers on Friday by airing raunchy sex scenes during its lunchtime movie, 2014 thriller Petals on the Wind 

Petals on the Wind is the 2014 sequel to another Lifetime movie, Flowers in the Attic, and is based on the novel of the same name by V. C. Andrews.

Actors Rose McIver and Will Kemp simulate oral sex in one particular scene.

McIver is also heard moaning ‘yes’ in another scene involving the same characters having sex.

That was unexpected! Petals on the Wind is the 2014 sequel to another Lifetime movie, Flowers in the Attic, and is based on the novel of the same name by V. C. Andrews 

That was unexpected! Petals on the Wind is the 2014 sequel to another Lifetime movie, Flowers in the Attic, and is based on the novel of the same name by V. C. Andrews 

Under the existing Code of Practice for Australian free-to-air television, any material classified M (which Petals On The Wind is) can be aired on school days between 12pm and 3pm.

The film was originally given the rating of TV-14, however the sexual scenes had some viewers believing it deserved to be changed to MA.

While the film does not include full-frontal nudity, it features several scenes showing sexual activity.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Channel Seven for comment. 

Ready for round two? McIver is also heard moaning 'yes' in another scene involving the same characters having sex 

Ready for round two? McIver is also heard moaning ‘yes’ in another scene involving the same characters having sex 

Petals On The Wind was well-received when it was released, winning a Golden Reel Award nominee for Best Sound Editing in 2015.

It’s not the first time Channel Seven has raised eyebrows with its choice of afternoon movie. 

In June 2015, the network aired M-rated teen film Fast Times at Ridgemont High at 12pm on Thursday.

The 1982 comedy features masturbation, oral sex simulation and full frontal nudity.

In the clear: Under the Code of Practice for Australian free-to-air television, any material classified M (which Petals On The Wind is) can be aired on school days between 12pm and 3pm

In the clear: Under the Code of Practice for Australian free-to-air television, any material classified M (which Petals On The Wind is) can be aired on school days between 12pm and 3pm