Charity CEO is jailed for two years after stealing funds meant for burns victim survivors

The CEO of a charity who stole at least $70,000 meant for burns victim survivors to fund her own lavish lifestyle has been jailed for over two years.

Samantha McClymans, 42, was in charge of the Survivor Foundation charity for two years, but was secretly siphoning funds for her own personal use.

The Perth mother used money sent in by generous public donors to wash her dog, buy designer clothes and everyday items like high-end anti-ageing cream.

 Charity CEO Samantha McClymans, 42, stole at least $70,000 meant for burns victim survivors to fund her own lavish lifestyle

She stole $37,000 donated to the charity to support Dana Vulin (pictured), who suffered burns to 60 per cent of her body after being doused in spirits and set alight 

She stole $37,000 donated to the charity to support Dana Vulin (pictured), who suffered burns to 60 per cent of her body after being doused in spirits and set alight 

Her biggest target was Dana Vulin, who suffered burns to over half of her body after she was doused in methylated spirits and set alight by a jealous woman in 2012.  

Ms Vulin was given about $56,000 in donation money for her recovery by the charity, but McClymans stole $37,000 of that. 

‘I had children donate their pocket money and pensioners saying I don’t have much money but this is all I’ve got to give you,’ Ms Vulin said, according to 9 News.

‘I try to live my life positively and give back and help others, to have hope in humanity is a really important thing for me – and you’re supposed to be able to trust somebody in this position.’

The Perth mother used money sent in by generous public donors to wash her dog, buy designer clothes and everyday items like high-end anti-ageing cream 

The Perth mother used money sent in by generous public donors to wash her dog, buy designer clothes and everyday items like high-end anti-ageing cream 

'I had children donate their pocket money and pensioners saying I don't have much money but this is all I've got to give you,' burns victim Ms Vulin said 

‘I had children donate their pocket money and pensioners saying I don’t have much money but this is all I’ve got to give you,’ burns victim Ms Vulin said 

The charity was set up by Peter Hughes, a survivor of the Bali bombings. When he stepped away from the foundation in 2014 he handed the reins over to McClymans. 

‘I think the charity was totally taken advantage of and unfortunately all the good people that were behind Sam at the time wouldn’t have known what was going on, and I feel very sorry for them too,’ Mr Huges said.

McClymans also stole a $20,000 grant meant to build new household taps for burns victims who had lost their hands. There was no evidence any taps were provided.

The court ordered McClymans to pay back the money owed.

She will be eligible for parole in 12 months. 

Peter Hughes (pictured), a Bali bombing survivor, set up the charity to help burns victims and handed over the reins to McClymans in 2014

Peter Hughes (pictured), a Bali bombing survivor, set up the charity to help burns victims and handed over the reins to McClymans in 2014