Charles Manson’s self-proclaimed grandson is one step closer to winning legal battle for his estate

Notorious killer Charles Manson died aged 83 after spending 47 years on death row for the 1969 murders of seven people, including heavily pregnant Hollywood actress Sharon Tate

Charles Manson’s self-proclaimed grandson, Jason Freeman, came a big step closer today to winning a four-year legal battle to claim the notorious killer’s estate which could be worth a fortune.

A Los Angeles judge dismissed the rival claim of Nancy Claassen, of Spokane, Washington who had maintained that she is Manson’s half sister and sole heir.

Now Freeman – a 46 year-old former mixed martial arts fighter from Bradenton, Florida – only has one challenger left in his quest to inherit the mass murderer’s belongings and the potentially lucrative rights to his music, writings and artwork.

That is memorabilia collector and Manson pen-pal Michael Channels, who claims to have a 2002 will that leaves everything to him.

The dismissal today of Claasen’s claim on the estate – which came at her own request – followed the court filing a few days ago of a birth certificate that appears to prove that Freeman is indeed Manson’s grandson.

Jason Freeman, 46, claims to be Charles Manson’s grandson. On Monday, Freeman got one step closer to winning a four-year legal battle to claim the notorious killer’s estate. Freeman runs a building contracting business

A birth certificate filed in court just a few days ago appears to prove that Freeman is indeed Manson's grandson. Lawyers supporting Freeman's claim provided Charles Manson Jr.'s birth certificate that they say proves his father was the infamous criminal

A birth certificate filed in court just a few days ago appears to prove that Freeman is indeed Manson’s grandson. Lawyers supporting Freeman’s claim provided Charles Manson Jr.’s birth certificate that they say proves his father was the infamous criminal

A judge said that he accepted that Freeman is the son of Charles Manson Jr., based on an Ohio court's 1986 finding that Manson Jr. was ordered to pay child support to Freeman's mother

 A judge said that he accepted that Freeman is the son of Charles Manson Jr., based on an Ohio court’s 1986 finding that Manson Jr. was ordered to pay child support to Freeman’s mother

LA Superior Court Judge Ruben Garcia – who has said that Claasen’s case was mostly based on ‘inadmissible hearsay’ – decided last month that he was satisfied Freeman is the son of Charles Manson Jr., based on an Ohio court’s 1986 finding that Manson Jr. was ordered to pay child support to Freeman’s mother.

But Judge Garcia said he still needed proof that Manson Jr. – who committed suicide in 1993 – was actually the offspring of Manson Sr., leader of the cult that killed eight-months-pregnant actress Sharon Tate and six others in a brutal and bloody rampage through LA in 1969.

This week, lawyers supporting Freeman’s claim seemingly sealed the deal by providing Manson Jr.’s birth certificate that they say proves his father was the infamous criminal.

The birth certificate states that Manson Jr. was born April 10, 1956 in Los Angeles to Manson Sr., then 21, and 18-year-old Rosalie Jean Willis.

Judge Garcia was scheduled to issue a ruling today that finally awards Manson’s estate to one of the contenders.

But when neither Channels nor his attorneys showed up today to either challenge or comment on the newly filed Manson Jr. birth certificate, the judge postponed his decision to another hearing he set for August 12.

Charles Manson died of natural causes on November 19, 2017 at Corcoran State Prison in California where he spent 47 years on death row.

Some of the most valuable of Manson’s belongings are most likely not his clothes and personal jailhouse belongings that currently sit in boxes at a storage facility.

They are the rights to his journals, stories and the songs he wrote, including Look at Your Game, Girl which was recorded by Guns N’ Roses on their platinum 1993 album The Spaghetti Incident.

The Beach Boys and Marilyn Manson also recorded songs written by Manson.

Four people originally filed petitions proclaiming their right to Manson’s estate. Two of them, Michael Brunner and Matthew Lentz, each asserted that they were his kin.

But both their claims were dismissed in 2019, leaving just Freeman and Channels.

Then, in April 2021, Claasen threw her hat into the ring, insisting she and Manson had the same mother – meaning she was ‘sole heir’ – and disputing the claims of both Freeman and Channels.

Memorabilia collector and Manson pen pal Michael Channels claims to have a 2002 will that leaves everything to him

Memorabilia collector and Manson pen pal Michael Channels claims to have a 2002 will that leaves everything to him 

Freeman is a former mixed martial arts fighter from Bradenton, Florida, and now runs a building contracting business

Freeman is a former mixed martial arts fighter from Bradenton, Florida, and now runs a building contracting business

Freeman is a former mixed martial arts fighter from Bradenton, Florida, and now runs a building contracting business

Freeman was the very first to stake a claim by filing birth and death certificates he maintained prove he’s Manson’s grandson.

He said he learned about his relationship to Manson when he was eleven but his grandmother, Rosalie Willis, who was apparently married to Manson in the 1950s, never spoke about his grandfather.

Freeman has always maintained that his father was Charles Manson Jr. who couldn’t live with his shameful name so changed it to Charles White, and eventually shot himself in the head in 1993.

Channels says he was friends and pen pals with Manson for 30 years and claims to have a document written by him in 2002 which leaves his remains and estate to Channels and reads: ‘I have disinherited both known sons and any unknown children in the present and in the future.’

Channels filed a court motion in 2018 demanding that Freeman submit to a DNA test to prove if he’s related to Charlie Manson.

The judge in the case at that time granted the motion but Freeman appealed and the California Court of Appeals overturned the judge’s ruling so Freeman never underwent the DNA test.

Freeman has attacked Channels’s assertion that he’s the sole beneficiary of a purported Manson will, saying in court papers that the claim should be denied because it was ‘a direct result of undue influence exercised by (Channels) over (Manson) and is not, and never was, the will of (Manson).’

Freeman was one of the speakers at a memorial service at a funeral home in Porterville, 50 miles north of Bakersfield, where some 30 people – including Manson's one-time fiancée Afton Burton and former Manson Family cult member Sandra Good – filed past the open coffin

Freeman was one of the speakers at a memorial service at a funeral home in Porterville, 50 miles north of Bakersfield, where some 30 people – including Manson’s one-time fiancée Afton Burton and former Manson Family cult member Sandra Good – filed past the open coffin

Freeman’s case for claiming Manson’s estate is supported by a March 2018 court decision in Kern County, where Corcoran State Prison is located, that awarded him possession of his ‘grandfather’s’ corpse.

Kern County Commissioner Alisa Knight ruled: ‘Freeman is hereby determined to be the surviving competent next of kin of (Charles Manson). No sufficient probative evidence was provided to the court to refute Freeman’s claim.’

Five days later, Freeman was one of the speakers at a memorial service at a funeral home in Porterville, 50 miles north of Bakersfield, where some 30 people – including Manson’s one-time fiancé Afton Burton and former Manson Family cult member Sandra Good – filed past the open coffin.

Manson, whose body had been in cold storage since his death at age 83, was cremated the same day and America’s most feared and hated killer’s ashes were strewn along a creek bed in a nearby forest.
