French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has published a provocative front-page cartoon about Islam and the recent terror attacks in Spain which has led to criticism that it risked fanning Islamophobia.
The latest edition of the magazine, which was targeted by Islamist gunmen in 2015 for a depiction of the Prophet Mohammed, shows two people lying in a pool of blood having been run over by a van next to the words ‘Islam, eternal religion of peace’.
Critics of Charlie Hebdo saw today’s front cover as tarring an entire religion, practised by around 1.5 billion people worldwide, by implying it was inherently violent.
Hundreds of thousands of people marched through the streets of France afterwards, rallying behind the slogan ‘Je Suis Charlie’ (‘I am Charlie’) in defence of the right to free speech

The magazine has been known to publish controversial covers poking fun at a number of religions including Islam

Gunmen gesture as they return to their car after the attack outside the offices of French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo (seen at rear) in this still image taken from amateur video shot in Paris January 7, 2015
A dozen terrorists of Moroccan origin are believed to have plotted last week’s attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, where 15 people were killed and more than 100 injured after a van and car were driven into crowds.
The attackers are thought by investigators to have been radicalised by an extremist Islamic preacher who died in a house where the group was trying to produce explosives.
As the cartoon became one of the top trending topics on Twitter in France, prominent Socialist MP and former minister Stephane Le Foll called it ‘extremely dangerous’.

Another controversial Charlie Hebdo cover
‘When you’re a journalist you need to exercise restraint because making these associations can be used by other people,’ he said.
Charlie Hebdo editor Laurent ‘Riss’ Sourisseau explained the choice in an editorial, saying that experts and policy-makers were avoiding hard questions out of concern for moderate law-abiding Muslims.
‘The debates and questions about the role of religion, and in particular the role of Islam, in these attacks have completely disappeared,’ he wrote.
Charlie Hebdo lampoons all religions and religious figures, but its depictions of the Prophet Mohammed – an act considered sinful under Islam – led to outrage, death threats and ultimately violence.
Two gunmen who claimed allegiance to Al-Qaeda killed 12 people including many of its star cartoonists in an attack on its offices in January 2015.
Hundreds of thousands of people marched through the streets of France afterwards, rallying behind the slogan ‘Je Suis Charlie’ (‘I am Charlie’) in defence of the right to free speech.
Riss said in the wake of the violence that the magazine would stop depicting the prophet, leading one top journalist to quit and accuse its new management of going soft on Islamist extremism.