Cheese and Hennesey-obsessed Kim gets served prawns, stuffed cucumber, and Haagen-Dazs

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and President Donald Trump were treated to a six-course meal that included three deserts – including Haagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream – at their historic summit.

It was the kind of gut-busting meal that could bring mutual camaraderie – not that either leader is watching his weight. 

‘Get a good picture everybody so we look nice and handsome and thin. Perfect,’ Trump told photographers and a TV crew at the start of the lunch.

Kim reportedly has packed on weight so he could emulate his powerful grandfather. Trump notched just below obese in his first White House physical and is trying to lose 10 to 15 pounds.  

BON APPETIT: The menu included French, Korean, and Singaporese dishes, plus Haagen-Dazs

Diplomats had just weeks to put together the Singapore summit, settling on an elegant – and substantial – meal for the two leaders at their ‘working lunch.’ 

The normal protocols were complicated further by Kim’s reported obsession with high-end western brands like Hennesey cognac, despite the lack of hard currency in his country and occasional famine. 

To get things started after Trump proclaimed the two men would have an ‘excellent relationship,’ the two delegations were served appetizers including traditional prawn’s cocktail served with avocado salad. Also included was green mango kerabu, a Malaysian rice dish, with honey lime dressing & fresh octopus, a tribute to the city state hosting the event.

HERE'S A SWEETENER: The menu featured Haagendazs vanilla iced cream with cherry coulis. Vanilla is Trump's preferred flavor

HERE’S A SWEETENER: The menu featured Haagendazs vanilla iced cream with cherry coulis. Vanilla is Trump’s preferred flavor

WHERE'S THE YELLOWCAKE? The menu for the working lunch included six courses

WHERE’S THE YELLOWCAKE? The menu for the working lunch included six courses

A Korean stuffed cucumber followed.

For a main course, the delegations were served beef short rib confit, along with potato dauphinois and steamed broccolini. Red wine sauce was served on the side.

Another dish was a sweet & sour crispy pork and Yangzhou Fried Rice combination with homemade XO chili sauce.

The menu released by the White House had Korean names for some of the dishes, including “Daegu jorim,’ for soy Braised cod fish with Radish, Asian Vegetables.

North Korea’s seafood exports are among the items under sanction following its repeated missile tests. 

To start, delegations were served prawn cocktails with avocado salad

To start, delegations were served prawn cocktails with avocado salad

Daegu jorim

Daegu jorim

There were three desserts: Dark chocolate tartlet ganache, Haagendazs vanilla iced cream with cherry coulis, and Tropezienne, a French pastry.

Kim’s dietary habits have been the source of speculation in the west. According to reports, he gorged on Emmental cheese as a student in Switzerland, craves expensive liquors and prefers Hennesy and Crystal, and gorges himself on luxuries like Kobe beef and sushi.

North Korea has experienced repeated famine under its strict Stalinist form of government. 

Time magazine reported early in the administration that Trump got served two scoops of vanilla iced cream at the White House, while guests got a single scoop, although