Childhood cancer survivors more likely to get it again

Childhood cancer survivors naturally age faster and are more likely to die sooner than those who have not had the disease, according to a new study.

The research also showed that survivors are three to six times more likely to develop cancer again.

Researchers said that the number of cancer survivors is set to rise thanks to more effective diagnosis and treatment.

However, survivors are more likely to develop long-term conditions and sooner than the general population bringing their life expectancy down by 30 percent.

Childhood cancer survivors have a 30 percent lower life expectancy than the general population, according to a study from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota (file image)

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, found that hormonal/gland disorders (endocrinopathies), heart problems, lower bone mineral density, lung scarring (pulmonary fibrosis) and secondary cancers are more likely to occur in childhood cancer survivors later in life. 

Frailty to bones and joints may also occur at an earlier age than the general population due to the damage caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy to normal healthy tissues.

The cancer and harsh treatments diminishes ‘physiological reserve’, the capacity in organs and biological body systems given to us at birth.

These are the body’s natural resilience to overcome internal and external biological stressors, researchers said.

The study involved scientists scanning databases for published evidence on the cellular processes involved in ageing and the potential impact of cancer treatments.

They found a wide range of side effects and late complications which have implications not only for the individuals concerned, but also for health services.

Other findings showed that childhood cancer survivors’ estimated life expectancy is 30 percent lower than that of the general population.

Also, the risk of frailty among bone marrow transplant recipients is around eight times as high as that of their siblings.

Radiation therapy is associated with dementia, memory loss and secondary bone marrow cell and blood cancers, while long-term steroid treatment is linked to a higher risk of cataracts, osteoporosis, nerve damage and infection.

Lead study author Dr Shahrukh Hashmi said: ‘While ageing prematurely is a better alternative to dying prematurely, a better understanding of what drives this process presents an opportunity for improvement.

‘We believe that cancer survivors deserve long-term follow-up for the mitigation of the late effects.’