Childhood educators prepare to strike for better pay

  • Early childhood educators will walk off the job to fight for better pay conditions 
  • Malcolm Turnbull failed to meet a union deadline to deliver funding for equal pay
  • A national TV, radio and newspaper campaign asks Australians to back the fight
  • More than 3000 childcare workers held a nationwide strike in September 2017

Early childhood educators will walk off the job across the country on March 27 in a fight for better pay.

It comes after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull failed to meet a February 1 deadline set by their union to deliver funding for equal pay.

On Sunday, they will launch a national TV, radio and newspaper campaign asking Australians to back their fight. Most early childhood educators are women.

Childcare workers have launched a national campaign asking Australians to back their fight

 The ad asks why educators are paid so little when the brain is 90% formed in the first 4 years

 The ad asks why educators are paid so little when the brain is 90% formed in the first 4 years

‘We are asking the community to stand with us to fight the appalling gender pay gap facing this vital, growing, and important workforce,’ Helen Gibbons, the assistant national secretary of United Voice, the early childhood union said. 

‘Educators gave Malcolm Turnbull a deadline to fix the sector’s low levels of pay, and once again he has failed to meet the deadline and let educators down. 

‘We have an educated, skilled workforce only earning around $21 an hour, that’s half the average wage – and this inequitable situation can no longer be tolerated.

‘It is outrageous that in 2018 female-dominated industries in Australia are still fighting to receive equal pay,’ Ms Gibbons said.

Early childhood educators will walk off the job across the country in a fight for better wages

Early childhood educators will walk off the job across the country in a fight for better wages

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull failed to meet a union deadline  to deliver funds for equal pay

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull failed to meet a union deadline to deliver funds for equal pay

On March 27, some childcare centres will close for the whole day, others will close at lunchtime and yet others will close certain rooms.

It will be the third nationwide walk off in 12 months in the sector.

More than 3000 childcare workers last walked out of centres nationwide on September 7.