Chilling gallery shows children in tears after meeting creepy Easter bunnies

Furry scary! Hilarious snaps show children in tears after meeting VERY creepy Easter bunnies on family days out

  • Pictures posted on Reddit by parents show creepy Easter bunny photos
  • Some of the children seem completely unbothered despite the menacing outfits
  • But others are traumatised, crying and moving away from the bunnies  

Easter is supposed to be a time of joy, with chocolate eggs, roasted lamb, and a long weekend to catch up with family members.

And part of the joy of the springtime celebration is a visit from the Easter bunny, who, every year, meets children around the world and delivers sweet treats.

But for some children, meeting the Easter bunny isn’t the sweetest experience.

These photos posted on Reddit by parents show children that have been traumatised by the creepy outfits some bunny impersonators wear.

Some of the children are completely unbothered, despite the quirky looks sported by the characters they are meeting, while others appear to be  in tears and trying to run away from the fluffy friend.

Don’t look behind you! Parents have shared pictures on Reddit of their children meeting rather creepy Easter bunnies, leaving some traumatised

No tears left to cry! One child cries as they sit on the lap of a creepy Easter bunny believed to be in the US

No tears left to cry! One child cries as they sit on the lap of a creepy Easter bunny believed to be in the US

Get away! A girl moves away from Easter bunny and sobs as it puts its arms out for a hug in a springtime shoot

Get away! A girl moves away from Easter bunny and sobs as it puts its arms out for a hug in a springtime shoot

Help! Two children cry as they pose for a photograph with an Easter bunny who holds them in a tight grip

Help! Two children cry as they pose for a photograph with an Easter bunny who holds them in a tight grip

Escaping! A little girl climbs off the lap of an Easter bunny as her friends cry next to her and appear to run riot over the festive animal

Escaping! A little girl climbs off the lap of an Easter bunny as her friends cry next to her and appear to run riot over the festive animal  

Why is he blue? A girl sits on the lap of an Easter bunny sporting a blue costume and seems unbothered

Why is he blue? A girl sits on the lap of an Easter bunny sporting a blue costume and seems unbothered

What's going on? A confused baby sits on the lap of a pink-clad Easter bunny with a rather creepy face mask

What’s going on? A confused baby sits on the lap of a pink-clad Easter bunny with a rather creepy face mask

Don't eat me! Two siblings look extremely upset to be meeting the Easter bunny with a scarily large mouth

Don’t eat me! Two siblings look extremely upset to be meeting the Easter bunny with a scarily large mouth

Unbothered! One child seems happy to be meeting the Easter bunny... and not worried at all, despite their less than welcoming expression

Unbothered! One child seems happy to be meeting the Easter bunny… and not worried at all, despite their less than welcoming expression

He's behind you! A little girl smiles next to a rather creepily-clad Easter bunny with scary eyes and goofy teeth

He’s behind you! A little girl smiles next to a rather creepily-clad Easter bunny with scary eyes and goofy teeth

Come and help! A traumatised boy looks ready to escape the clutches of the Easter bunny in a snap taken in the US

Come and help! A traumatised boy looks ready to escape the clutches of the Easter bunny in a snap taken in the US

Confused! A bored and confused little boy sits with the Easter bunny, who wears an old-style costume  on a day out at DisneyLand

Confused! A bored and confused little boy sits with the Easter bunny, who wears an old-style costume  on a day out at DisneyLand

Scary! A little girl grins next to the Easter bunny, despite its menacing bared teeth on its outfit

Scary! A little girl grins next to the Easter bunny, despite its menacing bared teeth on its outfit 

Stunned! A little girl looks at the camera with a shocked expression while sitting on the lap of a strange-looking Easter bunny

Stunned! A little girl looks at the camera with a shocked expression while sitting on the lap of a strange-looking Easter bunny 

Too much! A red-faced boy appears to scream and cry in the presence of the Easter bunny - while his older brother seems unbothered

Too much! A red-faced boy appears to scream and cry in the presence of the Easter bunny – while his older brother seems unbothered
