Chilling moment thug pulls out a huge machete and attacks a stranger

  • A bystander was seemingly slashed with a machete in Birmingham on Friday 
  • CCTV shows an apparent attacker pull out a large blade and strikes a man’s back 
  • As the man walks away the attacker draws the weapon out and gives chase
  • West Midlands Police were contacted about the crime and are investigating 

This is the chilling moment a man appears to pull out a huge machete and attack a bystander in Birmingham city centre. 

CCTV footage shows the victim standing by some benches when another man approaches from the side and seemingly slashes him with the weapon which resembled a machete.  

The victim attempted to move away but the second man slowly moved towards him as passers-by looked on. 

This is the chilling moment a man appears to pull out a huge machete and attack a bystander in Birmingham city centre. CCTV footage shows the man approaching, withdrawing what looks to be the long and deadly blade before taking a swipe at the man’s back

Both men then moved out of the frame and the clip stopped. The incident was said to have happened in the Square Shopping precinct, off Dale End, at around 4.20pm on Friday. 

West Midlands Police is believed to have been contacted but was is not known what happened to both the attacker and victim. 

The Dale End section of the city centre has been hit by a string of crime issues this year, including problems with gangs of youths.

A 15-year-old boy was arrested in Dale End on May 1, after police were called to ‘pockets of disorder.’ 

A West Midlands Police spokeswoman said: ‘No-one is believed to have been injured but a 15-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of a public order offence and a 14-year-old was told to leave the area under dispersal powers. 

The victim attempted to move away but the second man slowly moved towards him as passers-by looked on. Both men then moved out of the frame and the clip stopped. The incident was said to have happened in the Square Shopping precinct, Dale End, at around 4.20pm, Friday

The victim attempted to move away but the second man slowly moved towards him as passers-by looked on. Both men then moved out of the frame and the clip stopped. The incident was said to have happened in the Square Shopping precinct, Dale End, at around 4.20pm, Friday

West Midlands Police is believed to have been contacted but was is not known what happened to both the attacker and victim

West Midlands Police is believed to have been contacted but was is not known what happened to both the attacker and victim

‘A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) is in place within the area which enables officers to move on anyone who is suspected of causing anti-social behaviour. 

‘Children as young as 12 in mass city centre fight’ in Dale End, witnesses report 

‘There will be a visible police presence today to enforce such powers and ensure the safety of the wider community. We are working with partners to crackdown on anti-social behaviour and nuisance in and around the city centre.’ 

A woman armed with a rolling pin was arrested following a 30 strong gathering in Dale End on March 30. And police were called to the Square to disperse crowds after fighting was reported on January 31.
