Chinese authorities compile intimate data about the Uighur Muslim population

Leaked data has revealed that China is compiling extensive data on its Uighur Muslim minority including whether they’re growing a beard, if they’ve attended Hajj and their ‘family’s trustworthiness’.   

As a Chinese government mass detention campaign engulfed Memtimin Emer’s native Xinjiang region three years ago, the elderly imam was swept up and locked away, along with all three of his sons living in China.

Now, a newly revealed database exposes in extraordinary detail the main reasons for the detentions of Emer, his three sons, and hundreds of others in Karakax County: Their religion and their family ties.

The database profiles the internment of 311 individuals with relatives abroad and lists information on more than 2,000 of their relatives, neighbors and friends. 

Each entry includes the detainee’s name, address, national identity number, detention date and location, along with a detailed dossier on their family, religious and neighborhood background, the reason for detention, and a decision on whether or not to release them. 

Issued within the past year, the documents do not indicate which government department compiled them or for whom.

This 16 February file photo shows details from a print of a leaked database. The text reads, ‘Family circle: Total relatives 11, two imprisoned, one sent to training, Father: Memtimin Emer… sentenced to 12 years, is now in the training center at the old vocational school’

Wang Yi (right), the Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister, praised his country's Muslim 'vocational education centres' while meeting the press in Cairo with Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry (left) in January

Wang Yi (right), the Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister, praised his country’s Muslim ‘vocational education centres’ while meeting the press in Cairo with Egyptian Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry (left) in January 

Mr Wang has said the facilities, referred to as 'concentration camps' by human rights activists, have made significant contribution to the international counter-terrorism efforts by eliminating extreme thoughts. In this photo taken on December 3, 2018, a guard tower and barbed wire fences are seen around a facility in the Kunshan Industrial Park in Artux, Xinjiang, China

Mr Wang has said the facilities, referred to as ‘concentration camps’ by human rights activists, have made significant contribution to the international counter-terrorism efforts by eliminating extreme thoughts. In this photo taken on December 3, 2018, a guard tower and barbed wire fences are seen around a facility in the Kunshan Industrial Park in Artux, Xinjiang, China

Taken as a whole, the information offers the fullest and most personal view yet into how Chinese officials decided who to put into and let out of detention camps, as part of a massive crackdown that has locked away more than a million ethnic minorities, most of them Muslims.

The database emphasizes that the Chinese government focused on religion as a reason for detention – not just political extremism, as authorities claim, but ordinary activities such as praying, attending a mosque, or even growing a long beard. It also shows the role of family: People with detained relatives are far more likely to end up in a camp themselves, uprooting and criminalizing entire families like Emer’s in the process.

Similarly, family background and attitude is a bigger factor than detainee behavior in whether they are released.

‘It’s very clear that religious practice is being targeted,’ said Darren Byler, a University of Colorado researcher studying the use of surveillance technology in Xinjiang. ‘They want to fragment society, to pull the families apart and make them much more vulnerable to retraining and reeducation.’

The native Uighurs have long resented Beijing’s heavy-handed rule. With the 9/11 attacks in the United States, officials began using the specter of terrorism to justify harsher religious restrictions, saying young Uighurs were susceptible to Islamic extremism.

A still from a documentary shows members of the Uighur community interred at an unknown 'concentration camp' in China

A still from a documentary shows members of the Uighur community interred at an unknown ‘concentration camp’ in China  

This photo taken on September 12, 2019 shows a man posing on the street in a small village where ethnic Uighurs live on the outskirts of Shayar in the region of Xinjiang

This photo taken on September 12, 2019 shows a man posing on the street in a small village where ethnic Uighurs live on the outskirts of Shayar in the region of Xinjiang

After militants set off bombs at a train station in Xinjiang’s capital in 2014, President Xi Jinping launched a so-called ‘People’s War on Terror’, transforming Xinjiang into a digital police state.

The leak of the database from sources in the Uighur exile community follows the release in November of a classified blueprint on how the mass detention system really works. The blueprint obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists showed that the centers are in fact forced ideological and behavioral re-education camps run in secret. Another set of documents leaked to the New York Times revealed the historical lead-up to the mass detention.

The latest set of documents came from sources in the Uighur exile community, and the most recent date in them is March 2019. The detainees listed come from Karakax County, a traditional settlement of about 650,000 on the edge of Xinjiang’s Taklamakan desert where more than 97 per cent of residents are Uighur. The list was corroborated through interviews with former Karakax residents, Chinese identity verification tools, and other lists and documents.

Detainees and their families are tracked and classified by rigid, well-defined categories. Households are designated as ‘trustworthy’ or ‘not trustworthy’, and their attitudes are graded as ‘ordinary’ or ‘good’. Families have ‘light’ or ‘heavy’ religious atmospheres, and the database keeps count of how many relatives of each detainee are locked in prison or sent to a ‘training center’.

Officials used these categories to determine how suspicious a person was – even if they hadn’t committed any crimes.

Dozens of students are shown at their desks learning Chinese and law in the programme aired by CCTV that introduced the 'professional vocational training institutions' in Hotan

Dozens of students are shown at their desks learning Chinese and law in the programme aired by CCTV that introduced the ‘professional vocational training institutions’ in Hotan

Shohrat Zakir, Xinjiang's Uighur governor, said last month that people who were at vocational training centres had all 'graduated' and were living happy lives. This photo taken on May 31, 2019 shows the outer wall of a complex which includes what is believed to be a re-education camp where mostly Muslim ethnic minorities are detained, on the outskirts of Hotan

Shohrat Zakir, Xinjiang’s Uighur governor, said last month that people who were at vocational training centres had all ‘graduated’ and were living happy lives. This photo taken on May 31, 2019 shows the outer wall of a complex which includes what is believed to be a re-education camp where mostly Muslim ethnic minorities are detained, on the outskirts of Hotan

‘It underscores the witch-hunt mindset of the government, and how the government criminalizes everything,’ said Adrian Zenz, an expert on the detention centers and senior fellow at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington, D.C.

Reasons listed for internment include ‘minor religious infection,’ ‘disturbs other persons by visiting them without reasons,’ ‘relatives abroad,’ ‘thinking is hard to grasp’ and ‘untrustworthy person born in a certain decade.’ The last seems to refer to younger men; about 31 per cent of people considered ‘untrustworthy’ were in the age bracket of 25 to 29 years, according to an analysis of the data by Zenz.

When former student Abdullah Muhammad spotted Emer’s name on the list of the detained, he was distraught.

‘He didn’t deserve this,’ Muhammad said. ‘Everyone liked and respected him. He was the kind of person who couldn’t stay silent against injustice.’

Even in Karakax county, famed for its intellectuals and scholars, Emer stood out as one of the most renowned teachers in the region. Muhammad studied the Quran under Emer for six years as a kid, following him from house to house in an effort to dodge the authorities. Muhammad said Emer was so respected that the police would phone him with warnings ahead of time before raiding classes at his modest, single-story home of brick and mud.

Though Emer gave Party-approved sermons, he refused to preach Communist propaganda, Muhammad said, eventually running into trouble with the authorities. He was stripped of his position as an imam and barred from teaching in 1997, amid unrest roiling the region.

In this 2017 file photo Uighur security personnel patrol near the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar in western China's Xinjiang region

In this 2017 file photo Uighur security personnel patrol near the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar in western China’s Xinjiang region

When Muhammad left China for Saudi Arabia and Turkey in 2009, Emer was making his living as a doctor of traditional medicine. Emer was growing old, and under heavy surveillance, he had stopped attending religious gatherings.

That didn’t stop authorities from detaining the imam, who is in his eighties, and sentencing him on various charges for up to 12 years in prison over 2017 and 2018. The database cites four charges in various entries: ‘stirring up terrorism’, acting as an unauthorized ‘wild’ imam, following the strict Saudi Wahhabi sect and conducting illegal religious teachings.

Muhammad called the charges false. Emer had stopped his preaching, practiced a moderate Central Asian sect of Islam rather than Wahhabism and never dreamed of hurting others, let alone stirring up ‘terrorism,’ Muhammad said.

‘He used to always preach against violence,’ Muhammad said. ‘Anyone who knew him can testify that he wasn’t a religious extremist.’

None of Emer’s three sons had been convicted of a crime. But the database shows that over the course of 2017, all were thrown into the detention camps for having too many children, trying to travel abroad, being ‘untrustworthy’ or ‘infected with religious extremism,’or going on the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. It also shows that their relation to Emer and their religious background was enough to convince officials they were too dangerous to let out from the detention camps.

‘His father taught him how to pray,’ notes one entry for his eldest, Ablikim Memtimin.

‘His family’s religious atmosphere is thick. We recommend he (Emer) continue training,’ says another entry for his youngest son, Emer Memtimin.

Even a neighbor was tainted by living near him, with Emer’s alleged crimes and prison sentence recorded in the neighbor’s dossier.

The database indicates much of this information is collected by teams of cadres stationed at mosques, sent to visit homes and posted in communities. This information is then compiled in a dossier called the ‘three circles’, encompassing their relatives, community, and religious background.

It wasn’t just the religious who were detained. The database shows that Karakax officials also explicitly targeted people for activities that included going abroad, getting a passport or installing foreign software.

A Muslim Uighur woman walks with her son past security forces in the town of Kashgar, Xinjiang Province in April  2008

A Muslim Uighur woman walks with her son past security forces in the town of Kashgar, Xinjiang Province in April  2008

Pharmacist Tohti Himit was detained in a camp for having gone multiple times to one of 26 ‘key’ countries, mostly Muslim, according to the database. Former employee Habibullah, who is now in Turkey, recalled Himit as a secular, kind and wealthy man who kept his face free of a beard.

‘He wasn’t very pious, he didn’t go to the mosque,’ said Habibullah, who declined to give his first name out of fear of retribution against family still in China. ‘I was shocked by how absurd the reasons for detention were.’

The database says cadres found Himit had attended his grandfather’s funeral at a local mosque on March 10, 2008. Later that year, the cadres found, he had gone to the same mosque again, once to worship and once to celebrate a festival. In 2014 he had gone to Anhui province, in inner China, to get a passport and go abroad.

That, the government concluded, was enough to show that Himit was ‘certainly dangerous.’ They ordered Himit to stay in the center and ‘continue training.’

Emer is now under house arrest due to health issues, his former student, Muhammad, has heard. It’s unclear where Emer’s sons are.

It was the imam’s courage and stubbornness that did him in, Muhammad said. Though deprived of his mosque and his right to teach, Emer quietly defied the authorities for two decades by staying true to his faith.

‘Unlike some other scholars, he never cared about money or anything else the Communist Party could give him,’ Muhammad said. ‘He never bowed down to them – and that’s why they wanted to eliminate him.’