Chinese cat realises its just been neutered in funny video

  • A cat in China is in for a shock when it sees that it has been neutered mid-clean
  • Hilarious video shows the American Shorthair with its mouth open in disbelief
  • It’s owner can be heard laughing in the background at their pet’s reaction

A cat in China enjoying its daily cleaning routine becomes shocked when it looks down and realises that it has just been neutered.

Hilarious video shows the cat, an American Shorthair, licking its groin as most cats do.

But then, as if something was wrong, the cat stops, looking up with a face of complete surprise and mild confusion.

This is because the cat no longer has just been neutered. 

Staring straight into the camera with an open mouth and eyes wide, the cat looks at its owner in disbelief – laughing can be heard in the background.

The video was taken last month in Chengdu City in China’s Sichuan Province.  

The American Shorthair cat in China cleans itself as normal, pictured, licking its groin in a daily activity akin to most felines

But something's wrong! Somewhere in the midst of cleaning itself the cat suddenly realises that it's missing something, pictured

But something’s wrong! Somewhere in the midst of cleaning itself the cat suddenly realises that it’s missing something, pictured

The American Shorthair cat looks like it's in shock after discovering its been neutered, pictured

The American Shorthair cat looks like it’s in shock after discovering its been neutered, pictured