Chinese man’s lung ‘disappears’ after cupping session

Doctors in China were shocked to discover an elderly man’s lung had seemed to disappear in an X-ray scan.

The patient was apparently feeling unwell and had to be taken to the hospital after having cupping therapy.

Doctors later claimed that the patient’s right lung had collapsed and he had to undergo surgery.

An X-ray scan shows that Mr Wu’s right lung collapsed after having a cupping therapy at home

According to Kan Kan News, the patient, Mr Wu, has had bronchitis for over 10 years.

It’s reported that his wife gave him a cupping session at home in Wuhan, Hubei Province on November 7.

He believed that the therapy could cure his cold.

However, he appeared pale after the session and had to be taken to the Wuhan Central Hospital.

Mr Wu, in pink top, felt unwell after the cupping session, believing that it can cure cold

Mr Wu, in pink top, felt unwell after the cupping session, believing that it can cure cold

Doctors said the Chinese medicine regime had made the patient's lung vulnerable by pressure

Doctors said the Chinese medicine regime had made the patient’s lung vulnerable by pressure

Dr Xu Di, a specialist of cardiothoracic surgery, said 70 per cent of Mr Wu’s right lung had been compressed.

‘It can be considered as a collapsed lung. If the patient did not receive treatment in time, he may suffer breathing difficulties and lost of consciousness,’ he said.

Surgeons immediately conducted surgery on Mr Wu to repair his lung.

Dr Hao Jianbo, from Hubei Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, told the reporter that the cupping therapy had turned the patient’s lung very vulnerable.

The pressure caused by cupping could cause blebs, air-filled sacs formed on the surface of the lung, to ‘pop’ or rupture, resulting in pneumothorax.

‘For patients with pulmonary disease, we do not suggest them to have cupping therapy,’ said Dr Hao.

Mr Wu had had an emergency surgery to repair his right lung at Wuhan Central Hospital

Mr Wu had had an emergency surgery to repair his right lung at Wuhan Central Hospital

Cupping dates back to 1550 BC, when a medical text describes the therapy as an Egyptian fad that became popular in Greece, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and most notably in China

Cupping dates back to 1550 BC, when a medical text describes the therapy as an Egyptian fad that became popular in Greece, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and most notably in China


A pneumothorax is when air builds up between the outside of your lung and the inside of your chest wall (ribcage).

The air can come from your lung or from outside your body if there’s a serious injury to the chest. A pneumothorax caused by leaks of air from the lungs is more common in people with a lung condition such as asthma or cystic fibrosis. But it can occur in people who are otherwise completely healthy.

A large pneumothorax can squash the lung causing it to collapse.

Because this condition is rare, it may take some time to get a diagnosis. Your doctor will need to consider other possible causes of your symptoms. You may need to have a few tests and you might need to see a specialist.

The treatment of a pneumothorax depends on its size and whether it’s expanding. If it’s small, no treatment may be needed. If it’s large, it will need to be drained using a syringe or a chest tube.

Source: British Lung Foundation