Chinese schools roll out sex education after scandal

Children in China are being taught how to prevent sexual assault following a sex abuse scandal that rocked the country.

Parents are also purchasing more sexual health textbooks and signing up for online courses to better educate their children about sex.

Schools are also acting to educate youngsters, in a country where sex is traditionally a taboo subject.

The action follows a number of scandals that surfaced last month.

Parents are purchasing more sexual health textbooks and signing up for online courses to better speak to their children about sex. (Stock photo)

They included allegations against a Beijing’s Red Yellow Blue Kindergarten, where staff were teachers were accused of drugging and sexually assaulting children.

One parent claimed her child told her of a naked man or men – referred to as ‘uncle doctor’ and ‘grandpa doctor’ – who would performing a ‘health check’ on a naked child. 

Han Xuemei oversees an organisation operating in dozens of Beijing-area schools that administer sex education to more than 9,000 pupils. 

‘After Red Yellow Blue, people started paying much greater attention to us. Several kindergartens asked us to help train their teachers,’ she told the Los Angeles Times. 

Sex education in the country varies widely from school to school — with some offering none whatsoever.  

Now, parents are taking matters into their own hands so youngsters can spot the warning signs of sexual abuse.

Chinese state media have also bolstered the movement after the China Daily published an article titled 'Sex Education Needed in All Schools, Experts Say'. (Photo)

Chinese state media have also bolstered the movement after the China Daily published an article titled ‘Sex Education Needed in All Schools, Experts Say’. (Photo)

A book titled ‘Learning to Protect Yourself: Teaching Children How to Avoid Sexual Abuse’ soared to the top-10 bestseller list on a Chinese children’s books website. 

‘After the Red Yellow Blue incident, I rushed to buy my child a book on sex education,’ said Weng Limin, 45, a mother in Shanghai. 

‘As they say: “You may worry your child is too young for sex education, but a criminal won’t have the same compunction.”‘

Chinese state media have also bolstered the movement after the China Daily published an article titled ‘Sex Education Needed in All Schools, Experts Say’.

It was later followed up by a story in the state-owned Global Times, titled: ‘Sex Education Gains Recognition Among Chinese Parents’.